chapter 2: that tree isn't my twin

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One hour and 59 minutes

Sable was walking in the halls of the academy nonchalantly. it was like a tradition, that her mind follows after her heart breaks. the tradition is to become numb, and she can't even stop it. she's always hated it, but it was a part of her. a part that she despised.

Hours of school passed like seconds. and she felt like she was wasting her time ,her time to be something to not to be the victim of a cruel family that never loved her.

"Adeline!" She called as noticed Adeline walking out of the academy.

"Hey, are you okay" Adeline asked care visible in her green orbs.

"I'm fine, but I don't have time can you bring auntie lana to the woods to meet me I've decided to train."

"Sure. aren't you coming home?." adeline asked.

"No, it doesn't feel like home anyways I'll meet you in the woods." sable contoured.

"Alright. " Adeline walked away disappearing from the view and sable started walking to the woods.


"What's so hard you almost did it just focus a little bit." auntie lana encouraged her.

"I am trying." sable pulled out another arrow to shoot it using a bow, and surprisingly it hit the spot on the tree.

"Great. good job now imagine her, imagine that this spot is her heart that you have to shoot the arrow in to survive."

"What? no. I'm not doing this, I can't" sweat was visible on her forehead, she threw the bow and the arrow on the ground and picked up her blue backpack.

"Well keep doing this and you'll chicken out on December 16th, and let her kill you. you say you can't do this, but trust me if she has a chance, she'll kill you in a blink of an eye." her aunt pointed at her, with her pointer finger it was clear she was getting mad.

"Alright" sable thinned her lips ,raising the bow again ,pulling the arrow she tried to think of Bianca, her angelic face can she do this kill her. kill her own twin on their birthday, for power what kind of monster would do that. if Bianca wants to be that monster, then be it. but she doesn't. A storm filled her dark mind.

"I can't. that tree isn't my sister." sable made her mind and stormed out of the woods.

She has to find a way to stop this. she's sure there's a way every curse can be undone. but it has to be found and she'll be the one to find it. maybe it's in the academy's library, but why wouldn't her family try to find this curse, is it that hard, or they just simply want her dead. she couldn't help but to think about it.

She made her way to the academy of spell working, she found nathan getting out of the library.

"Hey sable." he greeted

"Hi nathan, I need some help to find the curses section. can you help me?"

"I think it's that way but sorry I have to go." nathan said quickly as he walked away Great now she has to find it alone.

"Maybe I can help." a familiar voice said.

"Oh hi, colden." she smiled agreeing to the offer.

"I'm looking for the curses section." she said walking with him.

"Here that's it. looking for any specific curse? I've read all of them." he asked.

"Umm yeah the wild twins curse." she replied.

"What isn't that a fantasy?" he looked at her, confusion written on his forehead.

"No it's real, why do you think its not." did her family kept it a secret she thought.

"So ummm you're going to kill your twin?" he asked swallowing hard

"No, I'm looking for a way to stop it." she explained.

"Well it's not here." he retorted.

"Then how do you know about it?" she raised one eyebrow.

"Well I read it in my father's office library. and he told me it's a fantasy."
He crossed his arms his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"So it's in your house?" She questioned.

"No it's in the academy." he answered.

"Oh. how can we get it? he doesn't leave his office does he?" She placed a hand on her forehead.

"No he doesn't sorry." he responded.

"Can you get it for me?" she requested.

"No sorry me and my dad are not on good terms." he thinned his lips.

He saw hope vanishing from her beautiful black brown eyes

"I can try to ,but no promises."

"Okay thank you so much."

"Of course."

She nodded smiling as she walked out of the library


"Adeline, I NEED to talk to you open the damn door."

"Come in."

"What were you doing?" sable asked closing the door after she got in.

"I was working on a spell. what did you want to talk about."

"Okay, is mine and Bianca's curse a secret?"

"What do you mean?" Adeline took a seat on her bed.

"I mean does witches and warlocks outside this family know about the curse?" Sable took a seat beside her.

"No. they think it's a price of some protection spell, why are you asking?" She answered.

" one of my friends thought it was a fantasy. And I may have told him it's not, " Sable admitted.

" oh....... well make sure he doesn't tell anyone, but since when do you have friends?" Adeline asked.

"I don't. it's just the boy I met in the party." Sable replied.

"Oh what boy?" Adeline wiggled her eyebrows teasing sable.

"Sorry, not in the mood for interrogation, night." sable rushed out of the room before Adeline drown her in questions.


"Sable, you have to continue training." auntie lana said as sable got out of her room

"No auntie I don't have to do anything, but try to find a solution to stop this chaos." Her auntie rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, when are you going to find it? after she kills you."

"Bye auntie"she rushed downstairs where her mother was hugging Bianca, she got out of the house straight to the academy.

Sable was eating the lunch by herself she preferred it that way.

"Hey!" Colden appeared.

"Is that seat taken?" he asked.

"No go head," she said.

"I got the curse, but there's something more important." he gave her the book of the curse, and she put it in her blue backpack.

"What is it?" she looked at him curiously

"Well, i found my grandmother's journal I couldn't bring it, but I read a couple of pages, it says that she's the one who cursed the wild twins." he explained.

"What? Why did she do this?" Her eyes widened at the information.

" I haven't completed reading it but the curse book says that the curse was made for a reason, something about the evil twin dies, and the good one lives."

"That's what my grandpa keeps saying." she murmured.

"So umm how can we undo it?" she asked.

"That's the problem, it says that it can't be undone." he added


Author's note

What do you think about Nathan and colden?
Hope you enjoyed.
Thanks for reading.

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