chapter 5: the snowball

12 3 5

6 hours and 56 minutes

It was Sunday morning, sable decided to go to the redlake, it wasn't a long distance from the wild's residence, by the end of the woods in dellhollow. she usually goes there when it is summer, as it had been always little colder, than the normal weather in dellhollow. dellhollow was mostly a warm town, but December was the coldest month in it, however she felt the need to go there. she usually worked on some spells there, but this time it was different, it was more like a goodbye visit, in case she's the one who's going to die. she feels like everyday she's walking down the road to her own death, like she's getting a step closer with everyday passing.

Her lips twitched up in a smile; as the cold air hit her face she spent an hour doing nothing, but taking everything in, like it was the last time she would ever come here, and it could be true. this thoughts hunted her mind, as she sat on the sandy soil near the lake, watching the water run in the wind's direction, her grey coat doing a good job keeping her warm.

"Hey," a voice startled her, turning around she found Nathan standing there, the sun making his brown hair shine.

"Why are you here?" She asked him, standing up, and he had a look of sympathy in his brown almond eyes.

"I wanted to talk to you, and Adeline told me that you're here," he replied.

"Oh, you remember I exist," she spat.

"I'm sorry, I've been busy," he said, the same look lingering in his eyes.

"Yah right," she rolled her eyes, crossing her arms.

"Sable......" he thinned his lips, not knowing what to say.

"You said you came to spend time with me, your bestfriend. before my birthday but we haven't talked since the party," she said, bitingly trying to hold back more words, hurtful ones. she wouldn't have done that if she hated him, like she was trying to convince herself.

"I'm sorry, okay..." he contoured, and she decided to stay silent.

"Look, I came here to tell you something important."

"Talk," she demanded.

"Me and Bianca have been hanging out lately, and I really like her, so I can't escort you to the snowball this year. I'm sorry, but you should find someone that you like more than a friend to go with too," he declared.

she couldn't believe he just said that, how could he be so blind, he's the one that she likes more than a friend. that's when she became surely aware, they could never be together, he doesn't like her in that way. her heart was crushed, and maybe she would've felt it, if she wasn't too numb.

"Y-you... you, ah you know it could be your last," he said, with pity, he pitied her, and she hated it.

"Oh God, you're starting to talk like them." She started taking a few steps back, to get away from him, he was talking like her family, hurting her like them, he was turning into one of them. she was breaking down inside, but an emotionless mask covered her face.

he knows, he knows everything that could break her, break the walls she had built with him watching. he was there, he was always there. when her parents treated her like she was invisible, he knew how much that broke her, he knew what he meant to her, he saw how angry and jealous she would get, when Bianca talked to him when they were younger, yet he was doing everything he knew would hurt her.

"I don't care about the stupid snowball anyways, I have more important things to think about," sable outraged, anger rising upon her.

"Oh-kay."  his gaze met the ground, looking disappointed.

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