chapter 3: maybe it was made for a reason

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4 hours and 11 minutes

Despite sable's dark moods, she was kind of optimistic about the information she and colden found yesterday. of course if colden's great grandmother is the one who cursed the wild twins, she wouldn't write how it could be undone, she'll want it to last forever. but they could find something in her journal, that perhaps hints to how to undo it, or someone who knows how to undo it.

she climbed the stairs up in an inhuman speed; excited to tell her twin about the news, but what she saw wasn't very blessing, her twin was sucking face with the only person she actually liked, Nathan.

"What the hell?" she hissed under her breath, glad they didn't hear her; due to their extremely loud breathes, it was Thursday, the whole family were in a gathering, for witches and warlocks. but where is adeline and river.

She rushed out of the house, not caring if they heard her slamming the door.

She thought Bianca had changed, in the time they stopped talking, but no she didn't. she still goes for what sable wants and takes it, the problem is she never knows. so it's technically not her fault, it's sable's, she waits too long until anything she has ever wanted is gone.

And she hates it, another part of her that she hates, she wonders what is there for her to love, when everything is bad about her. she's going to die, she's the evil twin and she's the weaker one, she's the one who's gonna die. and she doesn't want to, but it's the truth. everyone in her family believes it, so why shouldn't she believe it too.

Isn't it enough what Bianca has, she has a loving parents, a grandpa, an uncle, an aunt and cousins. sable thought she had something special, something that Bianca didn't have, and that was Nathan. but now she has him too.

It was getting loud in there, not in her way to the forest, but inside her dark mind; It was like her demons were fighting inside her head, fighting for control, they wanted to take over.

Her hands were shaking, her palms were getting sweaty, her pulse was rising, she felt like she couldn't breathe anymore. she closed her eyes trying to stop this anxiety attack, she brought upon herself.

She kept walking and counting her steps, it was something she always did to calm down. when she reached her destination, she sat under one of the trees, catching her breathe, she felt drops of sweat on her neck.

She was really tired, it wasn't the first time her heart breaks. it was probably the millionth. but she never thought that Nathan would be one of the people, who conspired to break her heart. her family are those people, and nathan just joined the club.

She was sure that the piece he just broke, was the last one. maybe that now her heart is completely busticate, it won't work anymore, she hoped it would never heal; so she could stay without it. she's done, done caring for anybody but herself.

She knew what she was doing, she was opening the doors wide open, for her demons. letting them loose, to take over, letting go of the last piece, of her broken vulnerable self.

She was always seen as the dark evil twin' now she really is.


"Sable! I was looking for you for a solid hour, and you're here." adeline was standing in front of her, but she was  in too deep in her thoughts.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly, playing with a strand of her long raven hair.

"What's wrong?, are you okay?" Adeline crotched down next to her.

"Why do you care?" sable got up and started walking, leaving behind a confused adeline, trying to keep up with her pace.

"What the hell is wrong with you? sable!?" Adeline blurted out.

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