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Tw: it gets very disturbing later, blood, screaming

It was the next day and all Dallon could feel was guilt.

He kissed Brendon.

He made out with Brendon.

Dallon could feel Ryan's disappointment. All day Dallon has been uneasy. Scared of what he's done.

Currently Brendon is out and Dallon is home alone with all the other spirits.

"Calm down Dallon, I can feel your heart racing," Gerard says, as he appears him Dallon's room.

"I-I can't, I've sinned so badly," Dallon says while keeping his eyes to the ground.

"Oh leave him alone Gee," Josh suddenly appears.

"I'm sorry! He should learn how to sin, it's easier then it looks!" Josh scoffs.

"Your boyfriend fucking made him feel this way, we want him in heaven not hell and because of your fucking mutt he's not going there!" Gerard gasps.

"Mutt?! My boyfriend is not a mutt!" Josh rolls his eyes.

"At least my boyfriend isn't a fucking demon!" Gerard snaps back.

Now Tyler appears.

"Wanna fuck off Way?!" Tyler hisses.

"No, I was here first!" They continue arguing.

"Everybody just fucking shut up!" Josh shouts.

They all stop talking.

"Everybody fuck off, let me talk to Dallon," Josh orders.

Everyone disappears. Josh sits next to Dallon.

"Those assholes are so loud..." Josh grumbles.

"Josh... is sinning easy?" Dallon asks.

"For us. You were born an angel Dallon, they weren't, we were all born wicked," Josh says.

Dallon says quiet.

"Do you think they'll ever accept me back in heaven?" Josh shrugs.

"Maybe, people change Dallon, even Satan use to be an angel," Dallon raises an eyebrow.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Josh can't help but smirk.

"You might be stuck down here, you're changing Dallon," fear struck Dallon.

Change. He's never experienced change.

Until he was sent down here to this awful planet called earth.

"Look at your wings, grey, your halo is broken and glows little light, soon your wings will be black as Tyler's personality, your halo won't glow," Josh jokes.

"I-I don't want that," Josh goes on though.

"Your teeth, they'll become pointier, sharper, you could go hunting with Gerard and Frank," Dallon thought Josh was going to help him but he's just making things worse.

"You've sinned so much, you've been drunk, cheated, talked to demons, spirits, I'm the reason Tyler's crazy, I'm the reason he's dead," Josh says with a snicker.

"You'll fit in great here Dallon... we've never met a fallen one, only Tyler has, he's met every type of spirit, hell, Shrek is real and nobody knows it," Josh says.

"You should join us."

"You could become one of us!"

"One of us..."

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