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It's the next day, it's early in the morning, currently the time is 7:23 and everyone is sleeping.


Someone is banging on the front door. Brendon and Dallon both wake up. Dal knocks on Brendon's door and the human opens it.

"Who is that?" Dallon asks sleepily while rubbing his eyes.

"We'll see," Brendon mumbles. They walk to the front door, Dallon leans onto the couch.

Brendon opens the door, an angry man stood there but not any man... the guy has blue hair. Brendon has no clue who this stranger is.

"How dare you! That is my boyfriend! Mine! Not yours! He loves me, not you!" The stranger shouts while glaring at Brendon.

Dallon stands up and gasps.

"R-Ryan?!" Dallon stutters in disbelief.

"And you!" Ryan shoves past Brendon and  walks over to Dallon and glares at him.

"You cheated on me with him! That-That sinner!" Ryan points back at Brendon, tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, what's going on?" Brendon asks while shutting the door.

"This-This is Ryan, my boyfriend," Dallon says awkwardly.

"Yeah! His boyfriend," Ryan growls while crossing his arms.

"Anyways," Ryan clears his throat and hugs Dallon tightly, he digs his face into the other males chest and cries. Brendon just felt jealous as heck.

"How are you here?!" Dallon asks, totally confused about everything at the moment.

"Your father, he told my parents, t-they sent me down here, I saw a path, a golden path and followed it, it lead me here," Ryan explains.

Brendon completely ignores what Ryan says and decides to ask a bitchy question.

"So is every angel a bitch and Dallon is just nice or is it just Ryan?" Brendon asks rudely. Dallon just facepalms.

"I do not like you because you are telling my boyfriend he will never see me again and all that stuff! Look what you did to his beautiful wings! They are all grey because of what you have done to him!" Ryan says while gesturing to the angels grey wings.

"It's to early for this shit, leave or I'll get someone to pee on your shoes," Brendon lazily says.

"Brendon, please, he's upset and it's not his fault, don't get Frank to pee on his shoes, let him stay Bren please, he can stay with me," Dallon begs.

Ryan is very confused what he means by "Don't get Frank to pee on his shoes" but whatever.

"No! This little blue haired thing-"

"My boyfriend is not some thing! He is staying, if you kick him out I'm leaving with him!" Dallon growls. Brendon rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"Whatever, I'm going back to sleep, I hope Frank pees on your boyfriends shoes," Brendon says before storming off back to his room.

Ryan and Dallon look at each other before hugging. Ryan takes off his shoes and takes all his stuff up to Dallon's room.

They shut the door and sit there awkwardly.

"I'm sorry Ryan..." Dallon breaks the silence. Ryan's heart breaks and he shakes his head no.

"Don't be... us Angels are bad at noticing humans emotions, well, kinda, but you've apologized lots Dallon, I'm still confused if I should be mad at you or not, but at the moment I'm just happy to see you again," Ryan explains while resting his head on Dallon's shoulder.

Dal was about to speak but the curtains close, a group of familiar people appear.

"D-Dallon who a-are they?" Ryan asks while grabbing Dallon's arm and looking at the group.

"Who are you?! You know who you are?! A fucking ship ruiner! They were so close! But bam! Goddamn heaven dads fucking ruining everything!" The werewolf Frank shouts.

"Ryan, this is Frank, he's a werewolf, that's his boyfriend Gerard, he's a vampire and that's Josh, he's some ghost thingy, there are a lot more people but so far these guys appeared, they are spirits, they live here and give you the creeps, Frank please don't pee on Ryan's shoes," Frank just shrugs his shoulders.

"S-Spirits? Oh my god Dal we are never going back to heaven again-"

"Babe, you're okay, these guys can be nice sometimes, they are gay like us, they still have hearts," Dallon says, trying to explain that even though these guys seem creepy and mean they aren't as bad as Ryan thinks.

"Babe?! Don't babe him! I will get Josh's little demon to fucking-"

"Can you fucking stop talking about my boyfriend?! He is getting better and going to stay sane instead on insane so no, you are not going to get Tyler to do anything!" Josh yells at Frank.

Frank just growls and crosses his arms.

"Alright, you two shut up before I make you, Ryan, welcome, you may get a lot of smack here since we all want Brendon and Dallon to fuck but I'll do my best not too," Gerard says kindly.

"T-Thank you?" Ryan stutters nervously.

"Wait Josh- did you say Tyler is getting better?" Dallon asks Josh.

"Yeah, Tyler is my boyfriend Ryan, he is the rudest fucker ever but my baby, don't mess with him or I'll fucking haunt the shit out of you," Josh threatens the new angel.

"Okay bye, we're going to go deal with Brendon now and let him talk shit bout you two, bye bye!" Gerard says, he snaps and the three disappear. Ryan frowns but Dallon just tells him everything will be okay.

~With Bren~

"I want to cut off his fingers and feed them to himself," Brendon growls. He's talking about Ryan.

"Brenny Boo, don't forget how much you love Dally, if you drive Ryan away you drive the sexy man away, you sure you want that?" Gerard asks while crossing his arms.

"No..." Brendon mumbles while looking down.

"Exactly, plan Brendon plan," Gerard says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"Y'know, maybe Tyler will hate him and kill him, it's happened before, remember?" Brendon shudders at the memory. Bren brought home a girl and Tyler killed her then fucking ate her.

"Yeah, maybe that will happen..."

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