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A/N I'm so pissed my goodness, wattpad won't give me my emails I've been asking for for two days goddamnit- anyways, got insta for this account, it's tylerspoopydun it will have stuff about my FanFiction, when I'll update (maybe) ideas, terrible fanart cuz I can't sketch, but basically just our emo stuff!

It's the next day and the three boys are all eating breakfast, Brendon refusing to look at Ryan or Dallon.

"Brendon, please, you can't be mad," Dallon says sadly while looking at his friend.

"Well I am mad Dallon!" Brendon snaps at Dallon. Ryan sits there quietly. He feels bad for lashing out at Brendon, he was having a moment and when Ryan is angry he says or does stupid things he doesn't mean.

"But Brendon-" Dallon gets cut off.

"No, just stop Dallon, stop getting my hopes up, I'm going to go to my room, feel free to make out on my couch," Brendon growls while walking away. He's mad at Dallon, he truly is. Bren thought he actually had a chance with Dal but no, Ryan had to appear. Brendon never ever though that out of all people to stop their relationship it'd be Ryan.

Looks like the spirits and him are going to get them to do good stuff and send them back from where they care from.

Two angels are sure making Brendon's life hell. Bren really liked Dallon, but now his blue haired boy is here and there ain't nothing he can do about it.

Well... Tyler's still an option.

Nah that's just dark, he doesn't want to hurt anyone physically or anything so no Tyler.

Brendon opens his door before slamming it shut and laying on his bed and staring up at the ceiling.

Tears start to form in his eyes, he blinks and the tears roll down his cheeks. Brendon's never sad, he should be angry not sad.

He doesn't want to be dramatic or anything but he can't help it, it's who he is, he's a drama queen and he'll remain one.

Brendon cries more, thoughts fill his head, god how he hates Ryan. Ryan never did anything wrong, Brendon's just jealous and can't blame himself.

Suddenly he feels weight at the end of his bed, he doesn't bother looking at who he is.

"I know how you feel," a voice says, he hasn't heard that voice in a while. It's Tyler.

Brendon freezes, he doesn't remove his eyes from the ceiling.

"Listen, I'm not suppose to be here right now, I still have a chance of Blurry taking over, I just want to say I'm sorry Bren," Tyler says sadly.

"I just, I haven't been thinking how I usually do, it has been more violent and stuff. I'm sorry I tried to kill you Brendon, I should probably go before Joshua finds me and knocks me out, accusing Blurry for talking to you or something, again, I'm sorry Brendon," with that, Tyler disappears, probably back to that shady chamber thing or whatever.

Brendon then thinks back to that day where Tyler made him crash. If it wasn't for Dallon he could've been dead.

At least he knows Dallon cares about him... unless he stopped.

People tend to stop caring for Brendon, they cherish him, use him, leave him. They all him names, it's all they've ever done.

But Dallon isn't like that... or is he... just because angels are known for being perfect doesn't mean they are, Dallon already sinned enough, he could lash out at Brendon any second.

But what for? He doesn't think Brendon's insane and crazy, he said even if he wasn't an angel he'd still believe him and not find him weird at all.

But that could be a lie. But Dallon hasn't lied to him before has he?

None that Brendon could think of... Dallon's always been honest, when they first met and he lied about something Dal instantly apologized and corrected himself.

But now his wings, they're grey, a dark shade of grey, once they're black that's it. It's over, he'll forever stay as a fallen angel and never return to heaven.

Then where would he go? Brendon knows he wouldn't be able to stand seeing the two together all the time, kissing, hugging and just standing next to each other. No, hell no.

He just can't.


Dallon and Ryan are in Dal's room, both laying on his bed and facing the ceiling.

"Do you think he'd believe me if I apologize?" Ryan asks quietly, Dallon turns his head to the side to look at his boyfriend.

"What do you mean?" Dallon asks the fellow fallen angel.

"I feel bad about lashing out at him, he's a human, they make mistakes, obviously I do too, but I feel bad," Ryan says sadly while looking at Dallon.

Dallon just stays quiet and shrugs.

"Maybe, he's different, I'm not very sure of what would happen, well according to him, he has no human friends y'know, I don't even know if he still talks to his family," Dallon mentions. Ryan nods his head.

"What does that have to do with this conversation?" Ryan asks, confused to why Dal brought up Brendon having no friends.

"He might not accept because maybe no ones apologized to him before, all his friends left, I'm assuming they never apologized to him so he just believes he's crazy or something, but it's not right to assume so let's just forget," Dallon says, not wanting to talk about what he's thinking. Assuming things about people can mess with your mind.

"Oh... okay," Ryan replies. They continue laying there and both look back up at the ceiling.

They happen to blink at the same time and someone appeared, standing over them both.

Ryan's heartbeat increases, he's never seen this guy before, then again he only met a few of the spirits in the house.

"T-Tyler, you're better?!" Dallon asks.

"You could say that, I've been listening to your conversation, Brendon's crying just so you know, maybe an apology would work but don't get to deep, he can be a bit overdramatic sometimes," with that Tyler disappears.

"That's the nicest thing he's ever said-" Dallon says in disbelief.

"Who was that?" Ryan asks.

"Tyler, his name is Tyler, he's a demon, he has another demon stuck in him who almost killed Brendon, they're trying to get him to go away or something, I don't know what's going on, but anyways, can we go see Brendon?" Dallon explains and ends his sentence with a question.

"I think we should."

Fallen Angel •Brallon•Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt