Chapter 2

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June 25, 2019
I was gonna kill him.
I had been ready since 8 to go to Corpus Water Park, since 8 and I've been sitting on the couch wearing shorts and flip flops and a cute checkered black and white one piece that tied around the top. Will had told me to be ready by 8 because he "didn't want to have to wait for me like always." It was now 10 and I had officially snacked on 4 Nutri-Grain bars, a banana, and leftover lasagna from the dinner last night.
I hear running down the steps and I can see my little brother Gabe walking towards the kitchen, he see's my figure on the couch and slowly turns back around. "You're still here?" He sighs.

"Tell me about it." I throw my head back so I'm laying down on the couch and play with my sunglasses.

2nd day of our bucket list fanatic and we are already running late, it wasn't like him to be late. But it was also like him to not come on time either if that made any sense...

He picked and chose his days.

Gabe took my legs off the coffee room table, "You have to leave by 11 because my friends are coming over and I don't need my lame sister sulking around eating all of our snacks."

I narrow my eyes at him, "Now you know how I feel when I bring girl friends over and you try to drill peep holes in my wall during sleepovers."

His face heated up and let go of my legs, "That was once!"

"Well I hope you liked the poster of Harry Style's to cover it up, I specifically placed the hole right where his crotch is just so you have a nice view." I pat his head and he sneers at me.

My brother leaves the room and I continue to play with my sunglasses until I can't any longer, I stand up and walk towards the kitchen. I see my mom holding the house phone with her back turned towards me, her hand covering her mouth.

I frown at the sight, "Mom? What's up." She doesn't answer me, she continues to talk low into the phone. I stand patiently as I wait for her to be done.

"Okay, okay I will. I- I will. Of course, I'm so.... god I'm so sorry Layla." She whispers into the phone.

Layla was Will's mom's name.

I feel my heart start racing, my mind completely starting to think the worse. It couldn't be, it couldn't possibly be what I think it is. There is no way, maybe it had to do with somebody else, maybe it was something else. Maybe it was someone else in their family and it was the reason Will hadn't shown up, it couldn't be.

It couldn't be.
It couldn't be.

"Mom.... mom tell me... mom." I run up to the kitchen island and I can feel my hands start to shake. "Mom."

She ends the call and turns around, I see her lip quivering and tears running down her eyes. I start to form tears in my eyes, assuming the worst. It couldn't be, it couldn't be. "Mom what is it? Tell me!" I'm yelling now and my voice is cracking.

She doesn't say anything but reaches over and grabs my hand, then squeezes her eyes shut so a fresh new pair of tears roll down her face. She puts my hands to her face and squeezes so tightly that I can also feel her shaking hands.  "There... there was an accident." She said in between her shakes. "There was a drunk driver... he-he was in a semi."

I rip my hands from her hands and place both of them over my mouth, my heart, my everything stopping as tears run down my face and onto my neck. "M-mom... no." I shook my head, tears falling faster than I could possibly imagine.

She shakes her head faster and I clenches her fist, "They tried performing surgery on his heart but... but he had lost to much blood. He- He's...."

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