Chapter 4

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January 4, 2018
"Why are bleachers so sticky?" Amethyst said in disgust as she shifted in her seat.

I shrug, "Ball sweat?"

She gags and I roll my eyes. We were currently at one of Will's community baseball games, and although usually there weren't big turn outs to the community games, today was definitely a big turn out. He was playing pitcher as always, we even got our high school's cheerleading team to come out and support against Del Norte' toughest baseball team.

I had to practically beg Amethyst to come with me, she only promised to go if I bought her a hot dog and I willingly agreed. I didn't want to be in this huge crowd today alone, I love Will but my social anxiety triumphs the love.

Will pitches to number 24 on the team, striking out embarrassingly. "Ouch, that's tough when your girlfriends watching 25 feet away." Amethyst snorts and takes a bite of her hot dog. "Those Del Norte boys are pretty hot, especially number 16."

I don't even pay attention to what she says, continuing to watch the game. "Will looks so cocky up there." I roll my eyes and reach to grab the last chunk of my cotton candy.

Amethyst cocks her head, "Well he has good reason too, he's the best player on the team not to mention the best looking. No offense to Oliver and all of them... well sort of offense." She drops a little bit of ketchup onto my jeans and I groan loudly, Amethyst hides her face in embarrassment at the turn of heads. "Sorry?" She says in guilt. I dry it with a napkin but shake it off.

"Time is running out, I wonder if we'll win." I rub my thighs anxiously and peer up at the scoreboard, we were close, very close.

The lady beside us taps on Amethyst's shoulder, her voice low as she speaks. "Does your friend need a tampon? I have one in my bag?"

She bites her lip to keep from laughing and looks over at me, "This kind lady has a tampon, do you need one?"

I look at her with beady eyes before facing the lady, "No the blood came from my friend's nose, I'm sorry."

Amethyst grunts, "My nose isn't bleeding."

"Do you want it too?" I threaten before turning back to the game. It was the last inning and I know for certain we've won, it wasn't long before the last strike was called and the ballgame music starts playing. "And that's a win for the hometown!" The announcer speaks. Everyone in the stands cheers and I scream as loudly as I can, this really helped their chances of going to state next year.

We continue to sit down on the bleachers as everyone around us clears out, Amethyst finally finishes her hotdog and I roll my eyes. "I'm jealous ." She abruptly says.


She sighs, "Because Number 16 is totally checking you out."

I look around the field and onto the other side, sure enough number 16 from the opposing team was staring straight at me. My eyes go wide as I stare at him, god really took his time with this one. He had longish brown hair and a jawline sculpted from Zeus and Poseidon. He had light brown eyes, not as light as Will's eyes but still pretty light. I was surprised I could even see his eyes where I was standing, I turn away when I realize Ive been staring for too long.

Suddenly Will comes over, finally taking his baseball cap off and shaking his black hair away from his eyes. He rests his arms on the top bleacher right in front of us, he looks like he's about to say something before I see his eyes travel down me. "Casbug, what did I tell you about wearing your diaper out into public places?" He smiles at me in the most mocking way possible.

"Fuck off or I'll gladly knock your perfect white teeth out of your mouth and into your ass." I smile sweetly back. "It's Amethyst's fault, she hasn't learned basic mouth functions."

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