Chapter 3

51 3 2

April 12, 2018
"Thanks for helping me with DeeJay's bake sale." Layla spoke, her hands covered white with flour.

I wipe the hair out of my face with my elbow, careful to my get any flour in my hair. "No problem, I love DeeJay and I love cookies so it's a win-win."

I watched as Layla tried to open the refrigerator with her elbows, successfully so as she throws the bag of chocolate chips on the counter. "Nice." I say.

"I know." She replies.

As if right on cue, DeeJay walks in completely naked and I start laughing. Layla's eyes go wide as she heads to the sink to wash her hands, "DeeJay where's your clothes?"

4 year old DeeJay shrugs, the only thing in her hand is her Chewbacca figurine. "I need to take a shower and my I didn't want my clothes be wet."

Layla laughs, wiping her hands and walking over to pick her daughter up. "Oh now you get it." She turns to me. "Do you think you can just mold them for me until I get back?"

I wipe at my nose, angry when I realize that I had gotten flour on it and I was also going to have to wash my hands again. Nevertheless I nod in agreement.

"Really, thank you Cassie. Those preschool moms can be evil, I would have never gotten this done without you." She says with a genuine thoughtful smile before exiting.

I smile to myself as I wash my hands before going back to beating the dough, softly dancing to the music Layla has playing in the kitchen radio.

"Cooking for me already honey." Suddenly Will walks into the kitchen with a smirk, his tight red shirt covered with brown stains and a practice bag on his shoulder.

"Back from the CC already, and I was having such a good time by myself." I roll my eyes and he laughs, dropping his bag on the floor and coming in to go all savage for food.

He bends down to open drawers, "What makes you think I was playing baseball, I was at choir practice?" He scoffs.

I shake my head in disapproval at his joke, of course when I'm enjoying myself with his mom he has to be let out of practice early.

He stands straight back up to tower over me once again, with a new box of vanilla wafers. "What's with the dough?" He munches on one, his hair up, wet, and messy.

"I'm helping your mom cook for DeeJay's bake sale, thanks for asking. Now leave because I don't need your sweaty dirty masculinity ruining my girly pop time." I smile at him and use my hands to gesture for him to move away.

He leans on the counter, obviously not caring about what I want. "Do I really smell?"

I roll my eyes and bend closer to him to take a sniff, it wasn't pleasant but it was also tolerable. Like his cologne was still on but you can tell he'd been working out.

"Yes like shit, now get out."

He continues to look at me with a bored expression, "You have flour on your nose."

I sigh in frustration, wiping the flour off my nose with my elbow. I continue to grab the rolling pin to roll out the dough as he watches, and continues to chew on wafers. "Where's my mom?" He asks.

"DeeJay ran in here naked so she's giving her a shower." I laugh remembering the sight.

He shakes his head, "That kid has been getting naked all the time, we can't even invite people over."

"Like sister, like brother." I coughed into my fist.

He stood up straight, looking down at me with his eyebrow raised. I expect him to hit me or have a comeback but instead he just stares at me. "You have flour on your face."

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