Chapter 9

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My phone buzzes and I lift my head off my pillow, looking around my room to see the sun shining through my window. I wipe at my crusted eyes and continue to hug my pillow, I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday which gave me indication enough that I cried myself asleep last night.


I feel the pain from last night come back and I sit up on my bed, my head pounding at a million times a minute. I hear yelling but I can't comprehend what the voice is telling me, "Cassandra!" My mother continues to yell. I finally feel my eyesight clear and my head pressure being lifted. I rub the side of my head as I stand up and make my way downstairs, my legs feeling as heavy as bricks.

"You okay honey?" Mom lays out a plate of cereal for me and I look at her with a confused expression. "I'm fine."

She studies me longer, "You look pale, really pale." She presses her hand to my forehead, "Are you sick?"

I shake my head. "Well your bathing suit is in the wash, you also need to pick up clothes from the dry cleaner."

"Yeah, okay okay." I say agreeing with whatever she was saying and continuing to munch on my cereal.

"You aren't even ready Cassie, are you sure you're feeling well?" She says one more time with a worried mom expression.

I nod her off as I continue to shove cereal down my throat.

My little brother comes downstairs wearing his basketball uniform, "Where is dad? He is supposed to drive me to my game in an hour?"

"He was called into work." She made another worried mom expression and took out her phone. "Want me to drive you?"

My brother's eyes go wide, "I love you mom, but I can't have a female pulling me up to a game. It would ruin my street cred." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Boo boo." I roll my eyes and my mom laughs.

"Maybe I should just ask Will." Gabe says.

I turn around, staring at him in complete shock that he could make a joke so vile. He continues to stare at me back and I feel a sense of disgust wash over me, "Gabe how.... how dare you." I feel my lip start to tremble.

He raises his eyebrow, "Why are you so mad? Is it shark week or something?"

I grab his collar and raise my fist threatening to punch him, his eyes go wide as he throws his hands up in defense. "Mom she's crazy!" He tries to get away from my grip and I'm my blood is pounding.

"Cassie you are definitely not feeling well, come sit down." My mom circles around the island and I feel betrayed that my mom won't back me up in the situation.

"Mom did you hear what he said?" I say in desperation looking back at her for some support.

She stares at me in confusion, "That he was going to ask Will for a ride?" She shrugs like she isn't getting the problem.

I feel so done with my family, I feel hurt and loneliness wash over me. Suddenly I hear the sound of a car pulling up into our driveway and I feel my head start to spin, "Who was coming over today?" I say back to my mom.

She looks at me like I'm crazy. "You said Will was coming over yesterday." I let go of my brothers collar to which he starts mumbling how crazy I am.

I start walking to the door, when I open it I feel like all the air in my chest had been knocked away. Standing right by his car, closing his car door.

Was Will.

He stares at me in confusion, like he didn't understand why I was watching him close his car. Tears start to cascade down my cheeks and suddenly I'm running, I'm running and I'm hugging him. I jump on him and wrap my legs around his body, crying like I had just found out that somebody died.

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