Chapter 39

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We flew across the city of Zamaja to my palace. I stood on the flying carpet, trembling as it floated up toward the balcony. I planned to tackle whoever I encountered. Inside the room stood Aisha staring into space. Kassim was overconfident in his staff-turned-bird and that I wasn't going to make it. I entered the room.

"Aisha," I whispered.

"Aladdin?" She whirled around. Aisha swooped into my arms. "Aladdin! You are alive! I couldn't warn you. As soon as you left, the wizard came to my room. He said he felt your presence and laid in wait. He tossed the staff at you, and I thought...I thought..."

"Where's Kassim now?" I asked. My eyes darted around the room.

"He went to consult with Father."

I extended my hand. "Come with me, let's go. We'll figure out a way to tackle him later."

Aisha tried to come towards me, but something invisible wouldn't let her get off the balcony. Something not visible to the naked eye.

"It's an invisible shield," said the genie of the ring. "The wizard put a spell on the palace to stop the princess from leaving. Sorry, I can't help you with that."

"All right," I said. "We'll stick to the original plan, then." I dug into my pocket, poked around and let out a sigh of relief. The bottle was still there. "The witch doctor said this will send anyone that drinks it straight to sleep." I held the bottle up for Aisha. "Empty the content into any beverage you serve him. I...I don't know how you will pull it off." I gave her the bottle.

Aisha paused for a moment. "He was about to eat before he left to see Father." She pointed at a tray with a jug of wine and a large spread of meats, rice, bread, and fruit. "Does the potion have a taste?"

"I don't know, but—"

"My princess! I'm back," came a voice from somewhere downstairs.

I froze. "Kassim."

The genie turned into a puff of smoke and disappeared into the ring.

"Quickly, hide here." Aisha pushed me into a closet and drew the curtain. It wasn't the safest place, but we had no choice. From a slit in the curtain, I watched Aisha pour the potion into an empty cup and then added wine.

Seconds later, footsteps approached. Then I heard the voice of the wizard.

"I spoke with your father, soon to be ex-sultan, and told him you were safe," said the wizard. "He promised to relinquish power as soon as tomorrow."

Aisha whimpered. From my vantage point, I saw the sadness in Aisha's eyes. I hoped our plan would work.

"He'll be here soon to give you the message himself," said the wizard.

Aisha plastered a smile on her face. "I have no choice since Father has approved. We should get that over and done with as soon as possible.

Kassim froze and looked at Aisha, then a small smile tugged at his lips. "Smart girl. I'm glad you see sense in doing what I want. There's no gain in resisting and agreeing to it later."

"Let's celebrate first!" Aisha poured some wine into a second cup. She picked up the first cup and had both cups in her hand.

Kassim lowered himself to the chair in front of the tray of food. "That smells good, and I'm hungry."

Aisha tried to be brave, but her face betrayed her. Anyone observing would see the fear in her eyes, and maybe treachery too. I hope she knows which cup is which, I thought. I didn't get the antidote.

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