×Chapter 2×

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×Daniel's POV×

I made my way around the forest in the search of a certain person,  I creeped around as I held my Axe in hands hoping I wouldn't come face to face with that guy who had pulled me of of the tree.  I swear I will give him a piece of my mind if I do see him. I took a couple more turns to the part of the forest where I always see them certain guy who was eyeless, which I always wonder as to why. He could see which was confusing since he only had black eye sockets, it's pretty cool unlike how I am. With me thinking I hadn't even noticed I was at the place I was walking to till the boy had me snap out of my thoughts. There stood Zach.

"Didn't think you'll come?" Zach told me as he crossed his arms across his chest, I'm pretty sure if he did have eye he would have rolled them at me. He quickly dropped his arms and fixed his mask as well as taking a few step to me. He sniffed me?

"You went out and killed somebody?" He asked with an amused tone before smiling wide at me like a kid on Christmas.

"umm, yea-h I did?" I said which came out more of a question, raising an eyebrow wondering as to where this all was going. I took a set back so there was a good amount of distance between the both of us. "W-hy do yo-u ask?" stupid stuttering.

"Did you bring me any organs?" The masked eyeless boy asked me smiling a bit also sounding a bit tired. That's when I had just realized, I was supposed to bring him some organs and such. It has been around two weeks since he had ate and if he doesn't eat he would go even more crazier then he is already.

"N-No." I stuttered out as I started to twitch which was what I'm known for. I gave Zach a look as he seem a bit mad, he clenched his hand into a fist his mouth slightly open where you could see his sharp teeth. I could tell he was losing it.

"W-We could G-o back." I offered him and gotten a nodded in return. We both made our away to the river I had just thrown the body at hoping it would still be there and wasn't washed away.  Once we're there I could see a few body parts there only but the organs where all there untouched, well that's good. 

Zach wasted no time on making his way to the organs and eating like there was no tomorrow. I could see him slurring the intense as if they were spaghetti, next up was the kidney after that I just looked anywhere else but him. While Zach was in his own little world I could see some other guy who was buff, holding a screaming girl, who was at the edge of tears. I quickly tapped on Zach's shoulders and pointed at the guy.

"oh, that's Jonah,he calls himself the toy maker. I know sounds stupid but once you see what he does you'll under stand." He told me as we both sat on the ground side by side each other. We see the guy so called the Toy Maker at work.

The guy tied up the girl on a thin tree as well as putting a cloth in her mouth so her screams would come out muffled. The girl was already crying once he had grabbed a hold of her face so she would look at his face, that was covered with a white and a bit of black mask. The only words I could hear the guy say was. 'Lets fix you up.'

He grabbed something out of his hoodie which was a knife and if a very nice knife if I do say so myself. He also took out something metal that I could not make out what exactly it was. He slowly set them down before grabbing the girls arms so the rope was only around her waist.

I gave a confused look as to what he would do now, that was soon answered when I see him twist her arm so you could hear the bones crack just like me. He quickly did the same to the arm which the girl screamed out in pain, it would probably hurt my ears if she wasn't muffed by the cloth in her mouth. I was sure by now she had lost the filling of her arms by now, when that was done he grabbed the knife and metal, placing the metal right on the girls broken arms and took the knife. Jonah started banging the knife on the metal so it was presses onto her skin. 

It was a couple of minutes of Zach and I watching Jonah at work, once he was done zach stood up and grabbed my hand dragging me to the other killer. I could now see a better view of what he had done to the girl. She looks like some kind of toy robot with one of her eyes missing with a fake one, I could also tell she was dead. 

"Zach? What are you doing here?" Jonah asked as he added some finishing touches to the girl. "And who this twitched?" He asked gesturing to me, as I rolled my eyes right at him to what he called me.

"Well I was eating right over there, " He paused as he pointed to the river we were just sitting at. "When We saw you, also I saw you take out her organs and such and I was wondering...." Zach said trailing off, Jonah nodded his head knowing where zach was going with this.

"Al-Also I'm D-aniel." I answered him well stuttered out to him and twitched a bit in the process and cursed as I did so. It seemed as if Zach was gonna say something when two other guys came along.

No it was that wanna be joker and some guy who looks like a video game character.

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