×Chapter 3×

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The three boys Daniel, Jonah and Zach stared at the other two murders.

There stood Zach who had a mouth full of organs in his mouth that was slightly open, he wished that the other guys, Corbyn and Jack had never showed up.

"Hey, cute stuff."Jack said winking right at Zach with a smirk, that caused Zach to groan just as he swallows his food. 

"Just to let you know if I had eyes, I would be rolling them at you." He commented as he crossed his arms, him sounding a bit annoyed.

"Hey twitch, how you Doing." Corbyn said next up, him staring to flirt with Daniel.

"Also hey, Jonah." They both said an sync and waved at him.

"You know them!?" The two other boys exclaimed at the oldest one with wide eyes, well except Zach.

"Jesus, no need to yell. Am I right." Jonah said to nobody but to the girl he just killed and made into a robot, with that he moved the girls head to make her nod.

The rest of the boys looked at him before taking their eyes off of him.

"Any ways, what you up to eyeless?" Jack asked the eyeless boy, causing Zach to yell.

"None of you fucking business." Zach yelled out as he throw a knife at Jack, who glitches in time to misses it. 

"W-Well gotta g-go." Daniel said as he twitch his head and stared to walk away. Corbyn right on his track he turned Daniel around as he points to the long cut on his cheek.

" What happen there?" The fake blond asked as Daniel twitched a bit but not so much.

"Like Zach said. 'none of you fucking busine'ss." Daniel stuttered out as he rolled his eyes. He held the Axe in his hands, his own blood dripping from it.

"Wow cool!" Corbyn said as he took it out of Daniel's hands, making Daniel yell at him and taking it from him.

"What do y-you even wa-nt." Daniel stuttered as he gave Corbyn an annoying look wanting him to leave before he killed him.

"You." Corbyn said as if it was so obvious. He traced his knife onto Daniel's other cheek. Yet Daniel didn't flinch. Instead he moaned to the touch, only feeling a tingle.

"You like that don't you?" Corbyn asked as he smirked, his cut slightly opening up a bit blood now dripping down from the corner of his lips where the cut was opeing up.

All Daniel did was stay quiet not knowing how to answer the question. He didn't feel pain at all it was just a tingling sensation. "S-stop." He manage to let out as he let a tick causing his bone to crack, that was music to Corbyn's ears.

"I love it when you do that." Corbyn smiled as he cressed Daniels cheek.

"R-real-ly?" Daniel said as he twitched, he was shocked as people hate when he did that thought it wasn't his fault he was like that. Daniel would always say it was his parents fault that he was the way he is.

"Yeah." Corbyn said was he was leaning closer to Daniel, causing the ticking boy to widen his eyes.

Daniel starred at Corbyn as he began to tick more then he usually did, making his bones crack very loud. Yet that didn't make Corbyn back away from him.

Daniel didn't know what to do

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