×Chapter 7×

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Corbyn glared a bit as he watched Daniel walking away from him making him huff a bit, as his eyes scanned around he hummed as he took a squat causing a stick to crack and the brunette to turn his head to see what the smiling guy was doing.

"W-what are you do-doing?"

The smiling one tilting his head to the side as he reached down and slowly picked up a small object which caused Daniel to walk over and get a close look, his eyes widen as he then noticed what it was. He looked at Corbyn whos smile seemed to grow even more then it was.

"Ticcy, sweaty you know what this is?" Corbyn asked as his grin was wide as he waved the small object in front of Daniels face who blinked a few times.


"Mind telling me?"

"C-c-con-" Daniel started out but stopped as he looked at Corbyn who didn't get the stupid grin off his face.

"Go on."


"Well you do seem to be having trouble saying it i shall say it, Condom." Corbyn spoke as he stared at the brunette. "Hmm someone must of dropped it, its ashame really."

Daniel stayed quiet which corbyn didnt really like.

"Isnt that right danny?"

"Uh yes.."

Corbyn gave a nod as he stood up which daniel soon followed as well, he hummed as he looked at the ticcing one and gave him a pinch once to see the other didnt flich or move away at all making confused and daniel caught on that.


"Did you not feel that?"

"F-eel what?"

Corbyn squinted his eyes as he did give a pretty hurtful pinch, slowly he began to pull out his knife as he eyes didnt leave the others. "I wanna try something."

Daniel gave a confused look but soon remembered that the older one still had a condom in his hand and not noticing the knife. "Y-ou are not fu-cking me!"

"What? Not what i meant but now im just sad." Corbyn mumbled as he still continuted to pull the knife out slowly as it seemed as he was still smiling .

"I-i didnt notice at all...."

The older one didnt say a word after that as he had his knife out and the condom in his pocket, he grabbed a hold of the ticking ones hand making daniel raise an eyebrow till his seem the knife. "Oh n-ow because i don't want you ro fuck me y-you do this!?"

"Okay now just shut up."

Corbyn brought the knife and stabbed it slowly to the brunettes arm as the sharp object periced through skin, once again there was no flinching not even the slightest. After a while daniel spoke up saying that was enough since blood now seem to drip out, slowly the blonde moved the knife away and tilted his head


"H-ow what?"

"Didnt you feel that?"

"I cant fe-el pain...."

"So if i were to spank you how will that feel?"



"Wh-" The brunette began but was cut off from a feeling at his lower body realizing that the one with the smile had just 'spanked' him only to have a small squeak leave his mouth.

"What you feel!?" Corbyn asked as his eyes lighten up wanting to know so badly but mostly because he got the chance to touch the other in that certain area.

"I h-hate you."

"You love me, now how it feel?"

Groaning daniel rolled his eyes knowing he wouldn't be left alone til he answered the question. "Just like something hit me but just the weight no-thing else."

"So lets say im a sadist, right and I want to do.... Things to you. Would you give me the pleasure to do so?"

"Im gonna f-find Z-zach and hope the other two didn't do something stupid."

With that Daniel walked back to where the two of them were coming from with Corbyn close behind him, after a few minutes or so they could hear voices that belonged to the three other ones who seem to be laughing and well not killing each other. Daniel squinted his eyes to see that there was another person with then making him a tad confused as well as corbyn, just as they were close enough they saw that Zach was sitting a guy down and talking about something.

"Oh hello there daniel." Zach called out as he made the man wave at him which daniel waved back.

The man was pretty beat up so he took the guess Jonah had done the damage so far, he had blood guessing out of his face and in random places and by the looks of it it seemed as if his legs were broken.

"He-lp me please..."

Daniel gave a confused look as to why the guy would ask him for help then again he was the only one who seemed about 'normal' to him but mostly because he had his mask on and his eyes covered a bit from his hair that's been growing.

"So was he alone?" Corbyn interuputed making the guy plead a bit more.

"I would say yes since he was wondering by himself and saw Zach here and thought it would be nice to hit on him, isn't that right huh?" Jack spoke glitching a little as he looked at the person on the ground who's hair was going in different directions

"You'll be surpised that he wouldn't notice Zach's.... Features  til he leaned in for a kiss and saw his eyes and mouth." Jonah added in with a very cherry voice which made the guy so confused.


"Arent you gonna go get help or at least help me with these freaks!?"

"Freaks?" Jonah growled as his mood changed ever so quickly.

"Now now Jonah we need to calm down." Zach spoke giving him a small pat on the back.

"Who would be stu-stupid enough to try and beat four people and then try and pick up a person with broken le-legs out of here, i would run if i were that person." Daniel questioned as he twitched and a few bones cracked, sighing a bit he took off his mask and placed it in his pocket and looked at the guy as he fixed his hair daniels teeth now showing from where the flesh on his cheek once was.

"Now how should we do this..." Corbyn mumbled as he thought for a moment.

"Can we break his arms! I call him being a puppet!" Jonah asked excitedly making zach give a small laugh and jack to smile a bit.

"Daniel get that axe of yours out." The black eyes boy spoke making Daniel give a nod and grabbed  it from the holder.

"G-grab his arms."


Its been a while since i updated but anyways next chapter gonna take a while  Also i was thinking of trying to make this a comic as well, not sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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