×Chapter 4×

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There Corbyn wss leaning in closer and closer to Daniel. Both their lips inches apart from each other, Daniel could feel his heart beating faster by the minute.

'He's gonna kiss me!' Was all Daniel was thinking about. Just when their lips were just about to meet. Daniel swings his axe having the flat part hitting the other, making it hit Corbyn in the face only leaving a red mark.

Corbyn gave Daniel a what the fuck was that for look, as he grabbed his hurting cheek.

"What was that for!?." Corbyn yelled out

"W-what do you think you were d-doing!?" Daniel yell out as he looked at the other with eyes out a bit. Corbyn looked at Daniel as if it was obvious on what he was doing

"Umm, I was gonna kiss you?" The blonde said as let go of his cheek as blood dripped down of his smiles cut. The ticking boy raised an eyebrow as he just started to walked away from where he once stood with the other blonde.

Daniel kept on walking not taking a look back, he wasn't sure what really happen back there but one thing for sure was he didn't know what to think.

Mean while Jack was busy making heart eyes at the younger one who was eating some organs. Jonah was pretty much was having a conversation with the dead girl.

"I did a great job with you dont you think?" Jonah asked the dead corps and raises an eyebrow.

"You could have done way better." Jonah said once again but in a high pitch voice to make it seem as if the girl was talking. Jonah gasped with his eyes wide.

"You should be greatful on how I made you look." Jonah growled.

Zach turned his head to face Jonah as he raised an eyebrow, Jack was glitching a few here and there as he watched.

"You show her Jonah." Jack said smirking. He then looked back at Zach with a smile.

"So Z, I was-"

"Dont call me that..."

"Blind boy?-"


"Love of my life."

"N- wait what?" Zach said looking at Jack confused. His black eye sockets were 'looking' straight into Jack's. "You're cringy."

"Only for you." Jack smiles showing his teeth.

Zach shook his head as he turned his head only to be faced with that dead girl who Jonah was involved with. His black eye sockets widen as he stabbed the body with a large knife he had in his pocket.

"Zach why!" Jonah yelled as he was holding onto the strings that were connected to the girl, making her a puppet.

"Tell her to stop doing that!" Zach yelled back with a growl almost forgetting she was dead.

Jack leaned down to Zach's ear. "You do know she's dead right?"

The eyeless boy let out a frustrated sigh as he put his hands onto his face.

"Well you're pretty much dead to video game boy." Zach huffed.

"Look who needs a nap." Jack said in a baby voice petting Zach hair.

"I won't hesitate to bite your hand." The younger on said in a low demon like voice as his teeth became sharp.

"Ah this is nice, Jack and Zach the cute wierd couple. Corbyn has that ticking guy and I'm here with this bitch." Jonah said starting off with a nice voice then deep.

The dead girl's head turn to Jonah and 'slapped' him, making Jonah let out a gasp.

Zach made a gross face when he heard Jonah talk about him and Jack.

"What about the others you have? What about them?" Jack said raising an eyebrow.

"Others!?" Jonah said with a high pitch voice so the girl could 'talk'

"Let's just put her with the rest." Zach said as he stood up and cracked his bones as he started to stretch.

"Yeah." Jonah said glarring at the girl.

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