Chapter 9

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It takes all of my will power to not cringe.

"Don't tell me this is your first," Peter mutters.

I look away from him.

"Way to make it obvious," he grumbles.

"Geez. You don't have to if you don't want to," I huff.

Peter grins. "Who said I didn't want to?" He pulls me closer to him.

My face reddens.

"Get on with it already!" Clarity exclaims.

Peter smirks. "Don't worry," he whispers in my ear, "I'll go easy on you." He leans down toward me, one of his arms encircling my waist. He uses the other hand to cup my chin. Finally, he gently places his lips on mine.

It takes me a moment to register what's going on. I'm have my first kiss with a juvenile delinquent at a party hosted by a person I barely know. After that finally clicks, butterflies start to fly rapidly in my stomach.

As if on instinct, I wrap my arms around Peter.

That's when he deepens the kiss. One of his hands moves from my waist to my thigh. He gently rubs it with his thumb.

At this point, I don't even notice that. I'm too focused on holding Peter closer to me, sealing our lips tighter together. Who knew kissing someone could feel this good?

To my surprise, it seems as though Peter doesn't want to pull away. He continues to move his hands up and down my body.

After a while, we're both needing air.

Peter pulls away. "You learn fast," he murmurs. "And damn you taste good."

My face reddens. I glance over at Clarity to see she's smirking.

Peter winks at me. "You should feel lucky. You got your first kiss with the hottest guy in school."

After a few seconds, I catch Peter staring at my lips.

He still has his arms around me. "Screw this game," he murmurs. He then whispers in my ear, "You taste so damn good. I want to taste you again."

I shiver, not knowing whether to be happy or terrified.

Peter Grace willingly wants to kiss me again.

Peter stands up, taking me with him. "We'll be back," he says to Clarity. He takes us to a small room and locks the door.

"Peter," I snap, "if any of my clothes magically decide to come off..."

"I wouldn't do that to you, Azure," he says calmly. "You are most definitely a virgin, and I am most definitely not a rapist."

I huff, crossing my arms and looking away from him. I feel his arms wrap around me from behind.

"Why ignore me?" Peter asks. "You know you enjoyed that as much as I did."


"You don't understand," he whispers. "I could get high off of the way you taste. And I can't help but want to..." He turns me around to face him.

"Is this really what you want?" I murmur, staring up into Peter's eyes. They seem to appear a dark gray in the light.

"Shut up," Peter whispers in my ear. He leans down toward me. "I hope you don't mind me..." He trails off, not finishing before he presses his lips against mine.

I don't want to, but my arms wrap around Peter's neck. It's like they have a mind of their own.

Peter pushes me up against the wall. When he pulls away, it's only to take a breath, then he pulls me into him again. A low sound comes from his throat.

Oh god, I think. Did I just make Peter Grace moan?

He holds me tighter and I resist the urge to shiver.

I want to pull away, but he won't let me. Not until I give him what he wants. Reluctantly, I open my mouth.

I would like to tell you that I don't like what happens next, but if I did I'd be lying to you. It's hard to explain, so I'll leave it up to your imagination.

Peter finally lets me break away from him. We're both panting.

"You idiot," I snarl. Without thinking, I slap him across the face.

Peter is grinning.

Why is he grinning?

He pulls me closer to him again. When he speaks, his voice is deeper than it was before. "I love how you're pretending that you're angry. Don't think that I don't see...the lust in your eyes."

"You're being ridiculous, Peter. Just let me go. It's not like this means anything."

"You know as well as I do that you hate this separation between us. We're so close, yet so far."

"Peter, I don't want to kiss you again." Even as I say it, I know it's a lie.

Peter smirks. "You're really bad at lying."

I blush. "Shut up," I snap.

Peter's smirk grows into a grin. "I'm sure Clarity is worried about you. We've been gone for a while. But...I want to stay here."

"Why are you doing this?" I ask, barely above a whisper.

"I've never wanted to kiss someone so badly," Peter murmurs. "I hate this separation. I hate it so much. It's taking every ounce of my willpower to keep my distance right now. If I didn't have self control, you'd already be in bed with me."

My eyes widen. "P–Peter..."

"I've been meaning to tell you," he says in a low voice, "your hair looks good straightened." He runs his fingers through my hair. "You should keep it like this. But...then I bet all the guys would be after you. Then I'd have competition."

"When was the last time you drank?"

"An hour ago, why?"

"Are you sure you aren't the slightest bit drunk?"

"Believe me, I want to remember every moment I spend with you. Now...I want your lips on mine again. I don't want to get drunk off beer. I'll get drunk off of you." Just as he's about to kiss me again, there's a knock on the door.

"Azure, are you in there?" Clarity asks.

I open my mouth to answer, but Peter takes that as an opportunity to press our faces together. I internally sigh. Is it bad that I just want to go home? 

Clarity knocks on the door again. "Zurey?"

Peter breaks away from me. "Don't answer her," he whispers into my ear. "I want to stay with you." His eyelids start to droop.

I touch his forehead. "Peter, you're burning up," I say worriedly.

"I want you, Zurey," Peter whispers.

"You lied," I murmur, cupping his chin in my hands. I smirk, though I want to laugh. "You've had one too many beers tonight, Peter. We should go home."

"I want to stay with you," Peter insists. "I don't want you to leave me."

"Don't worry," I whisper in his ear. "I won't."

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