Chapter 15

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For the past week, I've been at Peter's house nearly everyday after school. Each day he takes me to his room and kisses me until we can't breathe. He's been so out of it lately, I don't know what to think. I just want him to be okay.

"Peter," I murmur.

He doesn't look at me, his face staying buried in the crook of my neck.

"What's bothering you?"

"What else is he not telling me, Zurey?" Peter whispers.

I frown a bit. "He made a mistake, Peter," I say gently. "The moment he and Rachel started dating, he wanted to tell you. He was just afraid that you'd get angry and not want to be around him anymore. That's why they never told anyone."

"I'd never get angry about that," Peter mutters. "I would be happy for him..." He moves so that he could lay down beside me. "I'm tired. Zurey," he murmurs.

"Then go to sleep," I say quietly.

Peter pulls me close, then rests his head in the crook of my neck. He takes in a deep breath. "I love you, Zurey."

I smile. "I love you too."
Daniel left to go back to school today, and Peter comes home with me after school now. He and Alex still haven't talked to each other. Clarity, Rachel, and I are all worried about them.

I watch silently as Alex slides into the seat next to me.

His head falls onto the table. "Zurey," he groans, "can you buy me lunch?"

My expression immediately clouds over with concern. "Can I ask why...?"

Alex turns his head so he's looking at me. "My mom is making me go on a 'diet' so she packed my lunch. You know what she packed, Zurey?" His expression is one of pure terror. "A kale protein shake!"

I can't help but burst into laughter.

Alex pouts. "Do I look that skinny to you?!" he exclaims.

I laugh even harder. "Yes," I manage to force out over my laughter.

He gives me puppy eyes. "I'm a growing boy, Zure," he whines. "I need real food."

After about thirty more seconds, I regain my composer. "Fine."

Alex sighs in relief. "Thank you. You're the best." After a bit, his expression turns curious again. "Do you really think I look that skinny, though?"

I snort. "No. You're bigger than half the football team." I pat his shoulder. "You should really see the way girls fawn over you in the halls. It's kinda gross. And besides, Rachel told me she thinks you're extremely hot. That's all that matters, right?"

Alex's face reddens. "I guess..."

"Alex," a voice says from behind us. "You're in my seat."

Alex's posture becomes rigid. "S-sorry...Peter." He stands. "I'll see you around, Zurey."

"What about your lunch?" I ask.

Alex forces a smile. "I'll be okay. See you."

Peter sits down next to me.

"You two need to talk," I say, barely audibly. I know Peter will get made that I'm mentioning it.

Peter scowls. "About what?"

"You know what," I snap. "You two haven't been the same. Even Clarity noticed. I'm sure Lyra has too."

Peter's scowl deepens. "I see how it is," he growls. He stands, then forces me to my feet.

"Peter, what—"

"We're getting out of here."

"I'm not skipping class!" I snap.

Peter scoffs as he continues to drag me through the halls. "We have what, three classes left? You'll be fine." He pushes me into his truck once we're outside.

I'm utterly dumbfounded that he let me get my backpack. "Where are we going?" I ask softly.

Peter sighs, his head resting back on the seat. "I'm sorry, Zurey. I need to cool down and figure out what I'm feeling. That's why I wanted to leave. As for bringing you...I thought I'd feel better if I spent time with you."

I smile slightly. "It's okay."

Peter sighs in relief. "I thought you'd leave."

I laugh. "I won't. Now come one. You wanted to go someplace, right?"

Peter smiles at me, lacing his fingers through mine. "Yeah. Let's go."

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