Chapter 14

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"Babe, please calm down," Alex says into his phone. "I don't know what happened either."

I'm scowling, rapidly texting Peter. He won't answer.

"Lyra said that he left the house thirty minutes ago," Rachel says frantically. "If even Azure can't get a hold of him..."

I dial Peter's number.

He still won't answer.

My vision blurs with tears as I call him again. I leave a message this time. "Hey," I say quietly. "Please call me when you can. We're worried for you. Rachel and Lyra are scared to death. Please call..."

Alex is pacing back and forth. "Last time he texted me was an hour ago," he mutters. "He was home, which is fifteen minutes from my house. He didn't take his truck, or his motorcycle, so he's on foot. Lyra searched the house and he does have his phone on him, so if I track his direct coordinates..." Alex opens his phone back up. He's typing furiously.

I don't have the will to ask him what he's doing.

Alex pumps his fist into the air. "I've got it!"

I look up at him. "Really?"

"The day of the party, the place he took you to. That's where he is." Alex tosses me his keys. "Take my car."

I smile. "Thanks. Tell Daniel I'm going out."

Peter is sitting on a rock when I get to him.

"Peter...?" I ask quietly.

He barely turns his head. "Azure...why...why did you come?"

My eyes flood with tears. "You scared me," I sob. "I thought you were going to do something dumb. Lyra thought that because of the way you had left, that you were going to do something stupid. She thought you were going to hurt yourself. She's probably still a wreck right now. Rachel is with her."

After a few moments of silence, Peter answers. "Alex and Rachel lied to me. They told me nothing was going on between them."

"They figured you'd react like this," I mutter.

Peter scowls. "I wouldn't have if they'd told me from the beginning."

"Please go talk to them. You've had us all worried sick."

"So be it," Peter snaps. "I don't want to go back right now. They'll just think that I don't understand. They'll say that they're sorry but won't mean it. I want to be angry, and I should be, but my stupid heart won't let me. Everyone thinks I'm a heartless criminal. That's what I'll be. I'll pretend until it becomes my reality."

I step closer to him. "Peter...that's not..."

He whirls around. "What!?" he yells. "That's not what!? Just leave me alone! It'll make you feel better about yourself. You won't have the stress of dealing with me, the idiotic boy who can't seem to find a reason to be anything else but what they perceive him as."

Tears start to stream down my face again. "Peter...please listen to me. You're not a heartless criminal, and you are most certainly not the person people say you are. You're you, the boy I..." I trail off, then look into Peter's eyes. "The boy I love."

He seems taken back by my words.

"The boy I want to be with," I continue shakily, "the boy I wish could hold me. You're the boy I dream about, the first thing I think when I wake up, and the last thing I think before going to bed. I want you to know that in my eyes, you're more than what they perceive you as. So please, think about coming back home." I turn away from him. Just as I am about to walk away, I feel his arms wrap around my waist.

"I'm sorry," Peter whispers. "I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. And I...I should say that you too. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'd go insane if anything ever happened to you. I want you to be mine. Only for me to touch, to love, to kiss..." He pulls me against his chest. "I can't deny that I...that I would do anything to feel your lips against mine again."

I shiver. "I can't deny that either."

Peter turns me around to face him. "Then what are you waiting for?" he breathes.

I smile, standing on my tiptoes. "I'm all yours," I whisper.

Peter smiles back at me, then crashes his lips into mine.

I melt into his arms. Our kisses before were amazing, but this is something else.

"Zurey," Peter breathes. "I love you. I love you with all my heart."

Tears come to my eyes. I smile as they fall down my cheeks. "I love you too."
Rachel squeals in excitement. "Really?! So you two are dating now?"

"Yeah," I reply timidly, blushing.

"I'm so happy for you! Are you going to tell Alex, though...?"

I sigh. "Not until he and Peter settle down. They've been at each other a lot lately."

Rachel sighs as well. "That must be hard for you. Alex seemed really distraught when I saw him."

"Well, I have to get to bed. Talk to you later."


I hang up.

"Zurey?" Daniel's voice asks.

I look at the door to my room. "Yeah."

Daniel sits down next to me on my bed. "I...I guess I should say I'm sorry. If you really like him, then I should support you.'s hard to see you with someone." He chuckles, putting an arm around me. "I know we're only a year apart, but it makes me feel old. I just want you to stay little forever. That way I can always protect you."

I kiss him on the cheek. "Thank you. I should say sorry too. I should've told you the truth."

Daniel sighs. "So you two are really dating, huh?"

I blush. "Y–you we're listening!?"

Daniel laughs. "Perhaps."

"I should've known," I grumble.

Daniel smiles at me. "You're a good kid, Zurey."

I smile back "I know."

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