Chapter 13

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"Your chocolate milkshake is better," Alex grumbles.

"I told you that you should've gotten mint chocolate chip," I say, smirking.

"We should've just gone to your house and made milkshakes. That's free and better tasting."

"Stop complaining," I scold. "This was your idea. It's not my fault you chose a bad flavor."

Alex laughs. "I guess you're right. Let me try some of yours."

I hug my cup to my chest. "Never."

Alex pouts. "Zurey," he whines. "Please."

I laugh, sliding the cup across the table.

Alex takes a sip. "Can we switch?"

I take a sip of Alex's. "What do you mean this taste bad?" I ask. "This is so good. Take mine, I don't care."

"Hey, you're that pretty girl my cousin brought to my dad's diner," someone says.

I look up.

Three girls stand in front of our table. The one in the middle is Peter's cousin, Rachel.

"Rachel, right?" I ask her.

She nods, smiling. "I don't want to freak you out or embarrass you, but Peter told me about what happened Friday night. Well, he didn't tell me tell me. I may have forced it out of him, but did he ask you out yet? You don't have to answer, I'm just curious."

"He'll have to ask me if he wants to do that," Alex mutters.

Rachel turns to him. "Oh my goodness! Alex, I didn't see you there!"

"It's nice to see you too," Alex grumbles.

"You're always so mean to me," Rachel mutters. "But maybe if—"

"Not now, Rach," Alex snaps. "Later, okay? I'll talk to you later."

Rachel pouts. "Fine." She turns back to me. "I'll see you later. Bye!"

"What is this...tension...I feel?" I ask Alex after Rachel walks away. "Do, that wouldn't be right..."

"Shut up, Zurey," Alex mutters.

I gasp. "Is it true? You like her!"

Alex scowls. "I'm being serious."

"No wonder he doesn't think anyone's attractive at school," I murmur.

Alex stands. "Have a nice walk home."

"No! Alex wait! I'm sorry!"

He laughs, already half way to the door.

I follow him. "Alex, I just want to know what happened," I say quietly, when we get into his car.

Alex sighs. "It was the second week of school. That weekend, Peter took me with him to his uncle's birthday party. He didn't have anyone to go with since his parents were out of town and his sister was sick. That's where I met Rachel. Peter had disappeared, and my only company was her. So she took me up to her room and we kinda made out for a bit..." He sighs, running a hand through his hair. "I rarely get to see her. It's hard sneaking around her parents and Peter. Let alone my parents and Clarity. She took the year off to work at her dad's diner because we want to go to the same college. She thought it'd be better if we started the same year."

"Why don't you tell Peter? I'm sure he'd understand..." I trail off.

Alex shakes his head. "I doubt it. He nearly broke Lyra's phone when he found out she was texting a boy. The boy was her best friend's boyfriend. And they were texting in a group chat."

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