Chapter 12

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In school on Monday, I'm at my locker when I hear a deep voice behind me. I turn.

It's the school's football quarterback and two other boys. And to my surprise...they're all looking and talking about me.

"Clare," I hiss.

She pops her head out of her locker. "Yo."

"What the hell are they doing?"

Clarity looks back at the three guys. "Oh."

"Is it because I still have my hair straightened?" I ask in a whiny voice. "You know I hate attention."

"Don't look now, but football kid is coming over here," Clarity says.

I gulp and face my locker again. "It has to be today that Peter is home sick," I grumble under my breath. "Any other day would be fine." Suddenly I feel arms around my waist.

"You're Azure, right?" he asks. "I'm James, but I'm sure you already knew that."

"W–What are you doing?" I stammer. I can feel him smirking.

He pulls my into his chest. "I heard all about what happened at that party on Friday night. I could do so much better than Peter. So what do you say?" He spins me around to face him, pulling our faces closer in the process. Just as he's about to kiss me, someone puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, buddy," someone says, sounding way too friendly. "Could you please get your hands off my friend? If I'm not mistaken, she's not a sex toy."

James turns.

I grin at Alex.

"What are you gonna do?" James asks.

Alex smirks. "Well, this could be reported under sexual harassment. You'd get detention, oh maybe even a suspension. And you know what that means. Bye bye to the rest of the football season."

James immediately lets me go. He scowls at Alex. "You wouldn't dare."

"Frankly," Alex grins, "I think I would."

James throws a punch.

Alex catches it. "I wasn't trying to start a fight, but if that's what you want..." He twists James's arm back until James howls in pain. "I'll give it to you."

"I'm so glad he was here," I breathe.

Clarity nods. "I didn't know what to do. There's no way he would've taken me seriously if I told him to stop, and by the time I could get a teacher here, it'd be too late."

Alex shoves James into the lockers. "Don't get near her again, okay?" He walks over to us. "Hey Zurey. You okay?"

I nod. "Thank you. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't stepped in."

"Let's go. You're fine, right Clare?"

Clarity nods. "See you two later!"

"She's surprisingly happy, for being grounded for two months," I say to Alex as we walk away.

"She's still got her car, that's why," Alex replies. "And Mom and Dad said one party a week. In my opinion, she shouldn't have either of those things, but Clarity only drinks a ton when she's angry. So her being in a happy mood is a good thing."

We walk in silence for a bit.

"Alex," I say. "Do you know why James did that?"

Alex sighs. "No one on the football team likes Peter. They're all mad because he refused to join, even though he could've carried the entire team on his shoulders. James is one of the best quarterbacks in the state, and Peter could've easily surpassed him. Getting the girl Peter likes is practically all James wants. But stay away from him. He's a total player, if you couldn't tell."

I giggle. "You don't have to tell me twice."
"Damn," Peter states, grinning. "You had the balls to beat up James?"

Alex grins back. "You would've done the same."

"The whole team's gonna be on your ass now, though."

Alex looks away from the screen. "I know. But he was making Zurey uncomfortable. I had to step in."

"James would've kissed me if Alex didn't stop him," I say. "So you should be thanking him."

"I guess you're right," Peter says. "I'll see you two tomorrow then."

"Bye," I reply.

Alex smiles at me after hanging up. "Wanna go out?" he asks. "We can celebrate our victory with milkshakes."

I smile back. "That sounds perfect."

Spin the Bottle Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora