(Chapter 2) You get, what everyone else gets.

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Frank's POV

Holy shit. Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no. She's alive. How the fuck did she survive? Oh well, I'm dead, if she survived this she's obviously capable of greater things than she knows, and I don't want to be there when she realizes that. 

But she's alive, I can feel it. No, this isn't some of that "I just know, I can feel it in my bones." shit, I can literally FEEL it. I can FEEL the intense surge.

Since I'm the one who bit her, if she happens to survive the transformation and become a vampire, I'll get a weird surge that sort of feels like electricity is flowing through you. This happens when a certain bond is formed between the new vampire and it's creator. 

Along with a bond being formed between the vampire and their creator, many different bonds will be formed between the new vampire and other key people in the vampire's fate.

People that are born as vampires are born with these bonds, and can be bonded to other born-vampires.

Just because I say bond, though, doesn't mean it's always a good one. As weird as it sounds, everything in your "new" life as a vampire is based on your connections and fate in your "old" life, and everything in a born-vampires life is based on their destiny, too, if they were to be born a vampire or not.

If you're meant to be with someone in your old life, once you're turned into a vampire, and even if they aren't one or don't know you yet, a romantic bond is formed. Neither of you will know it, but you both won't have strong attractions towards other people, and once you meet the person, you will quickly form feelings for one another. Your feelings will grow stronger and stronger and eventually, if the human isn't ever turned into a vampire, the feelings will continue to thrive(mostly for the vampire because of the bond being stronger to them), until the vampire starts going crazy and is driven over the edge, trying to turn the human into a vampire to be with them. If the human survives the transformation, then once they become a vampire, their part of the bond will be strengthened. If the two were unaware of their bond before, then they definitely become aware of it now.

If you weren't really meant to cross paths with the vampire that turned you into one, then a light bond is formed. By the surge sent through the creator, he or she knows that it isn't a big deal to keep that person in their life, and will probably just continue on with life without confronting the new vampire.

The last type of bond is the one that was just formed between Alice and I. If you were meant to either destroy the vampire that turned you or be destroyed by them, then a destructive bond is formed. Once this bond is formed, even if the two people were the best of friends and not yet aware of their destiny to ruin the other's life before, they now feel a sense of hatred towards one another. Whenever they are around that person, they will feel so much anger and hatred towards the other that they will want to kill them. Normally, once the two people involved in this bond with each other meet each other, whether it be for the first time or fifty-ith, one of them is "eliminated" right away. 

Since Alice already knew me and hated me, I KNOW that things aren't going to start out slow. Because of the bond just formed, her hatred for me (if even possible) is growing by the second, and her first thought will be to find me.

Oh. My. God. I can't believe I was so stupid to not notice this bond between Alice and him before...

Well, it's just my luck that I'd be destructively bonded with my best friend's romantic bond.

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