(Chapter 8) The damage, you've inflicted temporary wounds.

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I stayed inside Melody's house for a week straight while she brought me blood and books to read. Everyday she would cut down on the blood amount so that I could learn to control my thirst and when I'm around humans I won't freak out.

"Here." Melody handed me a cup of blood and two books. 

"Thanks." I took the blood and slowly sipped it. I was getting better at controlling myself, and I wanted to savor the taste.

It's so weird to think that just last week I would freak out about blood being tasty, but now here I am, drinking every last bit.

I set the cup down on the table and looked at the books in my hand and laughed.

"To Kill A Mockingbird, really?" Melody grinned.

"Well yeah, I liked it in highschool..." she sat down next to me and took the book from my hands, flipping through the pages.

"It reminds me of better times.." she put the book down on the table and frowned, "I thought maybe it'd bring back some good memories for you, too?" Melody turned towards me and smiled. I returned her smile and picked up the book.

"Yeah, I liked this book during highschool, too. It's just weird to be seeing it again." I opened the book to Chapter 1 and started reading.

"Umm..Alice." Melody said quietly. I looked up and saw her chewing on her bottom lip. She was looking around the room nervously.

"Yeah?" I closed the book and put it down on the table in front of me.

"You're almost ready to go outside...about a couple more days. So, uh...how and, and when do you want to go try to find...them?" she looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

I looked around the room and started thinking. I haven't really formed a plan on how we were going to do this yet, other than I knew I wanted to go to the cabin first.

I turned towards Melody and sighed, "I guess their cabin, try and see if one of them is still there..." Melody nodded.

"And we can leave in two days, is that okay?" she asked me. 

"Sure." I gave her a reassuring smile and she picked up my cup off the table and put it in the sink.

I pulled all my hair to one side of my neck and lightly brushed over the two holes. Melody turned around and saw me shudder, then saw that my fingers were on the two tiny holes and sighed.

"They aren't forever, you know," she walked over and sat down next to me, "they're only temporary wounds."

"Really?" I felt the holes again and noticed that they weren't as deep as they used to be.

"Yup, but see, there will always be scars." she pushed all of her hair to the side, revealing her two bitemarks. I've never looked at them this close and upon closer inspection, I realized that they weren't marks, but scars.

"Oh...so it'll still always look like it, though.." I dropped my hands from my neck looked down.

"Well, yeah...but you can cover them up with some makeup foundation at least!" Melody got up and walked over to one of the cabinets in her kitchen area. She came back with a bottle of liquid foundation and handed it to me. I took it and laughed.

"If you have this stuff, why don't you use it?" I looked up at Melody and she shrugged.

"It doesn't really bother me much, and I haven't really felt the need to yet since I can just move my hair to cover them. And it came in handy having them uncovered when I met you, maybe I'll run into other vampires that I'll need to communicate with." I nodded and unscrewed the bottle, looking inside of it.

"You don't have to cover them up if you don't want, I was just giving it to you if you wanted to since you seemed kind of down about having scars." Melody nodded her head upwards at the bottle in my head and I rescrewed the top and set it down on the table.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. If we find Gerard he'd probably believe me more if I were to show him the scars, anyway." Melody snorted.

"Oh, I don't think you'll really need to convince him. You're really powerful to have been that strong before you even had any blood, he'll probably be able to tell right when you walk in the room. Your power sort of radiates off of you it's that strong!" she laughed and brought the makeup bottle back to the cabinet, "And he also probably figures that Frank drank your blood, so how else would you be alive?" she called back to me as she closed the cabinet door. She turned around and shrugged her shoulders.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point..." I touched my bitemarks and moved my fingers lightly over the rised skin, "Ugh, I just hate these things because of him! I don't want any piece of Frank on me." I shuddered and Melody nodded her head.

"I know, trust me. I can see how you wouldn't want a stranger having a marking over you, let alone your enemy," Melody sat down next to me with a smirk on her face and put her hand on my knee, "but once we find him, we'll give him more than just temporary wounds." I looked at Melody and we both started laughing. 

As I calmed myself, I looked over at Melody and saw her looking on the ground with a sad smile on her face. I looked at her eyes and saw them filled with the same sadness as a tear slipped out from her left eye.

~~I'VE FINALLY UPLOADED! You can all thank Story_Teller_oxox & her awesome story about a girl named ARIANA! it's called "Have you heard the news that you're dead?" & I love it:) but about the whole "To Kill A Mockingbird" thingy, yes, I am reading it for school but I don't really like it & it doesn't bring back any memories for me except reading it at like 10PM because I procrasinate too much.~~

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