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You wake up every day
And put each sock on like war paint,
Preparing for what is ahead of you -
Whether you are stepping out
To go fist to fist to combat the sky above,
With it's soldier clouds and lieutenant winds,
Or the tricksters that lurk in your head,
That recklessly,
Tease and taunt, precisely giving devastating blows.
And every day, you run the risk
Of gaining more scars and phantom pains. 
But every day that you reach the end of,
You have conquered.
You head into life with your weapon in hand,
Knowing that you are not eternal,
Knowing you can and will break,
And still stepping out in spite of it all.
You have made it another 24 hours
On this earth that's mission is to obliterate you from existence,
And if that does not label you a fierce warrior,
A powerful knight,
A ruler of your own truth,
A commander of your future,
And a hero of your own story,
Then what does?

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