Chapter 1: unexpected visit

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"We've known each other since we were children you and I" he stated, pacing slowly, from wall to wall.

"Yes I remember, the days you tormented me..." Said with some anguish.

"Oh please I tormented everyone" he contradicted, smiling playfully.

"The time you cut off all my hair" she folded her arms.

"Well that's not fair is it, I got you new hair" he put a hand to her direction and then back behind his back. 

"That turned black!" She wasn't smiling, she wasn't joking, she was however pissed.

"I happen to like black"

"When you tried to destroy mine and Thor's relationship" she was now beginning to count the list on her fingers to help prove her point. 

"Lady Sif do not whine it's unbecoming" he mocked.

"You're in a cell and still you find ways to torment me" she put her fingers away.

"Remind me why you're here again" his fed up tone pushed every button inside her patience, then swiftly he stopped pacing and turned to her, his hands still behind his back.

"Your mother sent me"

"Did she, and why wouldn't she come herself?" he politely questioned.

"You know Odin will not let her"

"Really? I talked to her just yesterday" Sif's face turned guilty "so, why are you  really here?"

She took in a deep and cautious breath...


Sif stood in that one spot, debating whether she would or not. Whether she would take those dreaded steps to see the silver tongue, the liar, the cheat, whether Thor would think her mad was another obstacle, would she do it? Would she take those steps? Soon it became a question of why, why would she want to see him? If she was asked why, would she be able to justify her actions? Before she knew the answers to her questions she found herself ordering the guards to step away from the prison doors, obediently they stepped aside and she strode in.

Carefully she looked around her and saw cell and cell and cell of prisoners, murderers mostly, she couldn't remember which was Loki's cell, but as her eyes wondered they set soon upon one of the angelic cells.

Clearly the cell belonged to a prince, a fallen prince, but a prince nonetheless. It was furnished by hand crafted seats, tattered books taken from his once room and his own little luxurious bed, fit for a prince. It was obvious that dear Frigga had to pull all the strings she had access to, to get him these luxuries, no matter how much she hated it Odin has always been higher in command than her, making it difficult to make her son comfortable.

As Sif's eyes examined his cell she saw him laying comfortably on his bed, reading a seemingly new book he held above his face, without looking to his pale faced visitor, a playful grin painted itself across his sharp cheekbones "it's probably the only book in this entire realm that I have not read" he spoke casually, she hated how normal he was, it was like he was not imprisoned at all, but like he was staying in his own mini palace.

Carefully she stepped forward so she had a better view of him, he continued to stare at the pages of his book until she came closer, then slowly he closed the book, as he did so he raised from his pillow until he was sitting upright "it's a good read" he said softly.

"I'll take your word for it"

"Ooh, do I sense a little hostility in your voice?" He was not wrong, she hated him, she loathed him, or at least that's what she wanted to feel. He slowly rose from his bed and walked closer to the rim of his cell, in doing so Sif backed slowly away from the golden shimmer that prevented his escape "please don't tell me you're frightened of me Lady Sif" she stopped backing away and held her head high "oh come on, we've known each other since we were children you and I" he began to pace slowly up and down his cell, from wall to wall.


"Really? I talked to her just yesterday" Sif's face turned guilty "so, why are you really here?" He leaned forward grinning, clearly she amused him.

She took in a deep and cautious breath "I wanted to see it for myself"

"Wow" he put two hands on his heart and acted wounded "that almost hurt. Is that what they call me now? 'it'"

"I don't mean you, I mean what you've become"

Emotionless he stared at her for a second, she could feel him digging around her head, but how? The golden barrier not only kept him in, but his powers too, all of his known tricks were concealed in that tiny room with him, dare I say they were even vanquished while he was contained. In an instant his smile returned enlightened, he smiled a different type of smile as he began to make his way back to his bed, like he was satisfied or impressed.

He fell onto his bed like a fallen tree and turned his leather back to her "what?" he did not reply but she could have sworn she could hear him cackling under his breath "what?! Loki I demand to know what you find so funny" she stood for several minutes, staring at his back, agitated.

Then he spoke the words she wasn't looking for "you can stand there for as long as you wish, I will indulge you in my little joke once your curiosity has eaten away at you"

Somehow unsatisfied she stormed enraged out of the prisons, listening to Loki's laughter die out as the prisons main doors shut, hesitantly she turned as if she wanted to go back, but why? Why would she want to go back? There was just something about him, something unexplainable.

Unchained memories: Loki x Sif (complete) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora