The fuck

993 31 4

Taehyun's pov

What the heck did I done? Couldn't I control myself? How could I?

I just don't believe myself that I Kim Taehyung fucked a fucking boy. Now how am I suppose to face my father he will definitely gonna hate me if he come to know about this.

I don't know what to do now. I need to share this with someone but with whom? Yoongi hyung?

Without waisting my precious time I ran to the dormitory reception to ask in which room yoongi hyung live.

"Amm good morning" I said to the receptionist girl. She is kinda beautiful with brown long hair which she left open, beautiful black eyes, pink lips but Jungkook's lips is more beautiful And his eye's also those big bambi eye's..


Why am I thinking about that fagg? God Taehyung.

"Good morning" When I was busy with arguing myself that girl greets me causing me to come to the reality.

"Oh Hi" I nervously said
"Hello you need something? " She said while showing me her beautiful smile. Gorgeous

"Yah actually I need your help " I said while showing her my boxy smile.
"Can you please tell me in which room min yoongi is staying from 12th standard Art's department?"
"Min yoongi? Let me check the registration. Ummm"
"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung. " I told me my name and her smile gone really big. Heaven
"Found it his dorm room number is a2 3rd floor. " She said while showing me the registration.
"Oh thank you so much"

I said and started to leave but suddenly I heard her voice.

"I'm henna bdw"
I turned and smile to her. What a beautiful name but kookie's name is kinda gorgeous.

Kim Fucking Taehyung what the hell.
"Open the door yoongi hyung" I fisted the door.

Now it's literally not what I want. Jungkook's thoughts is running into my mind like a bullet train. His big bambi eye's, little nose? Kissable red lips, soft hair. I am not able to forget his body his face his everything. The way he moaned my name, the way he ride me, the way he replied my lustful kisses, the way he scream when he got his orgasm and at the same time his crying face when I slapped him. I'm just not able to forget all this things.

"Taehyung what the heck are you doing in my room in this early morning"
Yoongi said while rubbing his eyes. Aish this hyung always love to sleep.

"Mannerless boy don't you how to greet people? " I said while entering his room.

He closed the door and lie down on the bed again "no I don't"
I Sat in the bed
"Hyung? "
He just hummed
"Can I share something with you? " My voice was shaking.
He sat down on the bed while eyeing me Doubtfully.
"What happened? " He said with a serious tone.

He knows very well that when my voice became Shakeable it's something really very bad news I'm gonna say him.

"I.... I.. I.. "

"Don't  I... I.. I..  Me just speak up you idiot what the fuck did you do this time? " He said with totally angry voice.

Which sends me goosebumps.

I took a deep breath and
"What? "
"Fuck hyung"
"What you want me to fuck you? Taehyung are you in your mind?

What the fuck

" No I fucked someone last night " I said while looking at the ground.

"Thank god.. Wait. What? You fucked someone? Who's that girl is she your girlfriend? "

God now how am I supposed to tell him.

"The heck. You fucked a random girl?
" No "
"Then who the fuck did you fucked? "
It's getting into my nerve now
"Jungkook it was jungkook".


Don't forget to share your review about it.. Bdw I want to make friends here if someone want to make me there friends then please massage me...

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