Chapter 1

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He picked up his silver, edged knife and traced it along my thighs. Applying more pressure the lower he gets. He brought the knife up to his mouth and licked the blood off.

Taehyung: "you taste sweet pup"    *he grinned*

He then walked off, leaving you squirming on the bed, suddenly he came back, not empty-handed of course. There was a candle in his big palms, he lit it and dripped the hot wax over your abdomen. The rise in temperature made your body jerk upwards.

Y/N: "ahh"     *you moaned from the amount of pleasure you were receiving*

Taehyung: "you're not supposed to enjoy this"  *he said as he dug his long, slender fingers into your wound on your bare thigh*

Y/N: "arghh!"   *you screamed from the unexpected pain*

He stopped as he realized you were enjoying it more than he was, he walked off and came back with a black collar. Tae fixed the collar around your neck, making sure it was tight. Air barely making it's way to your lungs.

You were whimpering in embarrassment yet in delight and arousal as Tae forces your legs apart

Taehyung: " look how fucking wet you are and we haven't even started, you filthy whore"    *he lowly growled*

*He shoved his fingers into your mouth, stopping your sinful moans from being audible. Not being able to hold himself back, he started fucking you roughly. His hands roaming all over your body, biting on the skin of your collarbone*

* His thrusts being in perfect sync with your moans, he picked up the knife and dragged it along your chest. Going deeper with every thrust, he sunk the knife into you soft skin. He tilts his head back, enjoying the pleasure he got from seeing you in pain. Looking at the blood streaming from your chest to your abdomen made him even more lost in his trance.*

Taehyung: "Fuck!" 

*He started moving faster, overstimulating you. Every moment of it, you were enjoying, the pain mixed with pleasure was an unexplainable feeling. His sweat dripping down onto your weak, frail body, he got off leaving you panting* 

Taehyung: "continue tomorrow?"

*You nodded with the most genuine smile*

Y/N: "Come one, let's get cleaned up"  *you pulled his arm in an attempt to get up but you fell back down onto the bed*

Taehyung: "Guess I went too hard hmm?" *he chuckled and carried you to the bathroom, he ran a warm bath for the two of you*


Y/N: "Taehyung!! I'll be going now, bye!! I love you!!"   *You shouted from downstairs and made your way to college*


???: "Y/N!!"     *I turned around and saw her*

Y/N: "Yahh!! Lilly!!"   *I ran to her and gently hugged her*

Lilly: "so what happened yesterday? Huh?"   *she wiggled her eyebrows*

Y/N: "stopppp~ it was nothing"  *I said blushing*

Lilly: "oh really? so how come-"   *I checked the time*

Y/N: "Yahhh we're 10 minutes late! C'mon!"  *I grabbed her and headed to our first class of the day*


You were out at a frat party with your best friend, Lilly, you didn't tell Tae you were out so you're pretty fucked when you get back home. You drank until you weren't aware of what you were doing, the alcohol coursing through your veins pretty much made you do stupid things. Lilly only sipped one drink, she saw how you were acting and decided to take you home

Lilly: "Y/N come on!! Cooperate with me here!"    *she said trying to help you walk but you wanted to stay*

Y/N: "nooooo~ "    

Lilly: "Taehyung is gonna be soo mad at us"    *she said as she pinched her nose bridge*


*You went silent, you collected yourself and started to walk. Swaying from side to side, Lilly rushed over and helped you get into her car*


Lilly: "Y/N you know we're gonna get scolded, Taehyung will be soooo pissed"

Y/N: "I don't care, he goes out allllllll the timeeeee, why can't I goooo tooo?"   *you said obviously drunk*

Lilly: "okay okay, but I'm not letting his stank ass shout at me"  *she chuckled*


You got home, Lilly was trying to help you walk up the steps to you and Taehyung's shared house until she stopped and looked up at the window

Lilly: "well fuck......he's awake"

She knocked on the door and 2 minutes later the door opened revealing a fuming Taehyung

Taehyung: "Where the fuck were you?!"   

Y/N: "none of your business"

Taehyung: "what do you mean it's none of my business?!"

Lilly: "soooo.....ummmm.....I'm just gonna go....."

Taehyung: "no you're not going anywhere, not until you tell me where you were"

Lilly: "Okay fine! We were at a frat party! Happy?"

Taehyung: "Good now get lost"

*Lilly left to her car and drove off leaving you and Taehyung alone. You decided to piss him off, which was probably not the best idea*

Y/N: "why the hell are you looking at me?"

Taehyung: "maybe because you-"

Y/N: "shut up, you talk too much"

Taehyung: "I really-"

Y/N: "I should've just hooked up with Jay"

In a split second Taehyung roughly pushed you up on a wall with his hands around your throat, squeezing it

Taehyung: "I suggest you shut the fuck up for your sake"

You tried to remove his hands but his grip was too strong

Taehyung: "now tell me, what were you saying? Hmm? Can't talk now huh? Now go strip and wait for me on the bed"

*He said as he harshly pulled away his hands*


(A/N: I really hope you enjoy my first ever ff.....hehe it's a bit cringy but oh well. Tell me if I should continue or nah, just a reminder I'm a lazy bitch soooo.......I probably won't update for about 3 or 4 days lmao. BYEEEEE ENJOY LOVELIES!!!! <3)

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