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The things in there

The things in there.....they were voiceless, cold and in pain. They were never human, they mimicked every action and every word.

The voices sending cold shivers down your spine, the cold eyes watching every step and every move you make. Whispering the awful secrets hidden in the walls.

The secrets the things in here held on to.

Laughing at your every attempt to escape, they watched you all these years, every move you made, they watched. They live in the dark, in the cold, they'll manipulate you. Gain their trust, you lose everything.

They held hatred, anger, they wanted revenge. Sick experiments done upon them and now, in return they seek their vengeance. Try hiding, they'll find you, try running, they'll catch you. Their souls are drenched, tarnished with agony. Empty, you'll feel at first, then they'll harvest your trust..........don't do it, your spirits will be crushed. You'll be trapped mentally, their words tormenting you every day, their giggles as they watch you slowly demolish.

Shadows, you'll see them at the corner of your eyes, they're there. Your eyes don't deceive you, you'll be ruined

They scream, scream and scream, not for help, but for the pleasure of someone else's pain. Their long fingernails, playing with your hair, caressing your cheeks. They'll make you question your sanity, question if your life is worth it or not.

Oh you don't know what I'm talking about? 

He's behind you :)

(A/N: HIIIII!!! Ah I missed writing so much, so I'll update tomorrow. I know this is short but I didn't have any ideas so I wrote this in like 10 minutes for y'all. I loveeeee horror so.....should I maybe write a book about it? I don't know, I'm actually free right now and I'm sooo happy I can get to update again. Hope you enjoyed this and felt creeped out because that was my intention :). Byeee  beautiful people!! See you tomorrow when I update)

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