Chapter 5

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You heard the clinking of metal and sharpening of knives while you were strapped to the table

Tears ran down your red cheeks as you silently cried

Taehyung: "oh don't worry princess, it won't hurt :)"

Y/N: "P-please Tae-"

Taehyung: "shhhh babe"  *he pressed the knife upon your chapped lips*

He stuffed your mouth with a white cloth and duct taped it

Taehyung: "now...what were you gonna say about my mother? hmm?"

He chuckled

Taehyung: "oh right, you can't speak"

He ripped off your shirt and shorts

Taehyung: "you look tasty but I bet you'd look even better covered in blood hmm?"

He grabbed his knife and started tracing it on your chest

Taehyung: "I'm pathetic?"  *he carved a "K"*

Taehyung: "Look who's fucking pathetic now..."  

He continued carving letters into your chest, ignoring your muffled screams and attempts to get up

~20 minutes passed~

Taehyung: "ahh look how pretty my baby looks"  *he smiled widely*

The letters   K I M  T A E H Y U N G were carved into your chest

Taehyung: "maybe I should do your thighs now?"

You violently shook your head "no"

Taehyung: "now where's the fun in that?"

He started cutting the skin on your thighs, making sure to see the flesh under

Taehyung: "much better!"   *he smiled innocently*

Taehyung: "I'll be back baby, stay here okay? Oh can't move" *he grinned*

~1 hour later~

You were still crying when you heard the door opening, revealing Taehyung with nails in his hand

Taehyung: "we're gonna play a game"   *he caressed your cheek*

Taehyung: "hide and seek.....but there's a twist"

He sighed

Taehyung: "I'll let you get out of here and hide or run, but if I catch you, I'll do whatever I want to you"

You wanted to say something so Taehyung removed the tape and cloth

Y/N: "w-what if y-you d-don't?"   *you couldn't even speak properly*

Taehyung: "hmmm, I didn't think about that. I'll still do whatever I want to you"

Y/N: "that's u-unfair!"

Taehyung: "life's unfair babe, but we're living aren't we?"

Y/N: "I-"

Taehyung: "you have 5 minutes to hide, starting now"

You gasped and started running towards another room, huh? This...this isn't our home.... Where am I?

You were in another part of the old abandoned warehouse

There they were again.....the voices....

You covered your ears and closed your eyes trying to ignore their words


Is that him? You quickly ran into an old locker and hid in it

Taehyung: "oh Y/N, I can see your trail of blood~"

You peeked out the hole and saw him dragging his knife on the walls

Placing your hands over your mouth, you tried to silence your sobs

Taehyung: "where are you babe?" 

He saw boxes on the floor, assuming you were in it, he started aggressively stabbing them

He opened it revealing a body, you gasped but quickly covered your mouth again

He turned around and started talking to someone that wasn't there

Taehyung: "mom I know what I'm doing!"

Taehyung: "no I won't kill yet"

Taehyung: "they were just my toys, Y/N is my puppet.."

Taehyung: "No, I still have a month left, then she's gone...for good"

Was he talking to his mom? 

Taehyung: "I know, I saw her long ago....just giving her time to run right?"

He looked straight into the hole where I was peeking

Your eyes widened

Taehyung: "Tik Tok, Tik Tok"   

He pointed at you with his knife

run...maybe if you run fast enough he won't catch you

Taehyung: "don't run, you can't hide from me Y/N"

You ignored his words and headed straight out the room, Taehyung slowly walking behind....

Taehyung: "You did the very thing baby, that I asked you not to do. You can run, you can hide, but you'll still never get out alive"



(A/N: sorry this is so short.....hope u had fun :p)

hope u had fun :p)

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