Chapter 10

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There Taehyung stood, in front of the mirror, examining his worn out features. He absolutely hated the empty feeling of being alone and that's what Y/N just left him with.


He punched the mirror over and over until pieces of glass were stuck in his tender flesh, smiling as he stares at them. Masochism at its finest.....Still trying to grasp the fact that Y/N escaped. Now he'll just have to make a new plan, a horrible one.....

His eyes rendered sadness and hatred, his only love, gone....


He heard a faint voice calling his name, walking to where it echoed, he ended up in a dark room. 

Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung Taehyung

Was all he heard.

He felt as if his walls were closing in on him, his surroundings became transparent......he's falling


He yelled at the top of his lungs, trying to stand his ground but in reality.....he was petrified

Kill her.....

And that's when his malevolent side returned...

Grinning at the words, he turned around ready to leave but that's when he saw her.....

(A/N: I'll post chapter 11 today!!! (or tomorrow) Maybe even chapter 12! But first I want to say sorry I've been inactive, I wasn't really motivated to write AT ALL but now im back so HURRAYYYYYY UWU!!! So I hope u enjoy this in the meanwhile, I'll try to post the other 2 chapters, I have a lot of ideas for this!!! Byeeee ilysmmm)

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