chapter two

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i thought back to what had took place yesterday on my bathroom and stared at the fixed mirror. i was so sure that i had punch it to shatters but here it was, places on the wall as if nothing happened.

"sehun? are you here?"

i called out but no one answered me and again, my thoughts became hazy and i just waited for the mirror to show that person who kept appearing and showing me gore images that left me traumatized.

i see, you're waiting for me. how kind of you.

he stated with a small chuckle inside my head.

where's your lover, eleanor? are you not the least bit afraid that he'll do something bad?

"he won't do anything to me"

he chuckled again but this time, it was mocking and it made my blood boil at his voice. i waited for him to show his face that was covered with a white mask to appear at the mirror and it did. i felt his stare gaze inside my soul.

sehun. did you actually believe that he was a human like you? how pathetic.

he's nothing like you. if you called me a devil then he's my spawn. don't let his kindness trick you into death, eleanor.


meanwhile, at the other side of the universe, stood a young man in a black suit in front of a mirror that was set as a border to their world and the human's.

he was no ordinary creature nor was he an alien. just like what he had stated to eleanor a while ago, he was a dark creature that continues to haunt his victims. making them crazy until they kill their selves.

"young master. the mistress has ordered your presence to her room this instant"

the maid bowed to jungkook before leaving. jungkook held a small grin on his lips as he walked towards his mistress' room.

his mistress was none other than jeon adrienne. oh sehun's soon to be bride.

in their world, matters like these are normal. not a sin but a normal tradition they have. jeon jungkook was a king who have countless mistresses but only one can be called his wife and that is the woman he'll marry and once he's married, all his mistresses shall be gone.

jeon ariadne was a queen and his favorite out of all of them but he's not planning to marry her as he knows that her heart and devotion belonged to someone else.

"what did you call me for, love?"

ariadne closed her eyes briefly when jungkook gave her forehead a feather-like kiss. she stared up at him with a hopeful look and he couldn't help it but soften under her gaze and comply to what her eyes told him.

he already knows what she wanted.

"i want you to stop haunting eleanor"

just a little note, me and minn (kckdarke_94) have collaboration stories and it includes this one. however, we do not tell which one of our stories are a collaboration but i do left some theories each chapter for her upcoming book that is connected to this one.

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