chapter four

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"ariadne, open the door please!"

i harshly banged at the oak wood door that's been locked for hours with a weeping ariadne inside. the maids brought several material guilty pleasures of her but she stayed still inside her room. from diamonds, deer's meat to a virgin's blood. but she was hard-headed.

"leave me alone"

her voice cracked at the end, the same thing that happened when i heard his hard sobs inside her room.

the door opened and i was met by her red swollen eyes. she invited me inside and i saw a bunch of crumpled tissues on her bed. i sat on her bed after throwing all used tissues on the trash bin and held her in my embrace.

"why are you crying, my love? please tell me what happened, enlighten me ariadne"

she just stubbornly shooked her head no and continued her sobbing as she sat in between my legs, her head hid on my chest as i stroked her head gently while humming a small tune.

she stared up at me with glossy eyes and states something that brought shock to my body.

"make love to me, jungkook"


sehun woke up with the binding lights that came from the sun. early in the morning and he was already feeling tired. he blinked his eyes rapidly and stared at the girl who was deep asleep in his arms.

their naked bodies was covered by the duvet and eleanor's arm was around his body, hugging him. to say that he was shock was an understatement. he wasn't drunk when they did it, in fact he was aware of what they did but he still felt shock about it.

sehun ran to the bathroom and grabbed the sino with both of his hands while he stared intensely at himself on the mirror. a lone tear left his eye folllwed by the painful clenching in his chest.

"why? why do i feel like i've done the biggest mistake, i'm supposed to be happy"

he repeated countless why's while hitting his chest as it constricted in pain.

what he doesn't knew is that, he did the biggest mistake.

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