chapter three

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months passed and i did not see him. not once, not some times, no. never. it was like a nightmare that kept me locked inside the dark abyss of the devil's mind, only to haunt me until death. my relationship with sehun grew stronger, romantically.

he doesn't seem to mind my feelings as he reciprocate it but he never asked me out. he doesn't go out with me but cuddle with me at home. it was fine for me but it seemed like he doesn't want to be seen by others.

and now here we are, cuddled up in my sofa with a bunch of pillows and blankets and of course my bunny plushy. i felt him giving me light tender kisses on the side of my head and i leaned more to his touch that kept both of us warm. times like this always made me smile but it also made me shiver.

because somehow, i can feel an intense stare that pierced through us.

"what are you thinking of, love?"

he smiled at me but it soon faded when he saw the slight glint of fear and hesitation in my eyes. sehun used the back of his palm and caressed my cheek. his eyes held adoration and sincerity while staring at me and i can't help it but to lean my head closer to his until our noses grazed.


sehun felt ariadne's gaze at them but he paid her no attention and stared back to eleanor, their lips are inches away before he muttered something that broke ariadne's heart into pieces. just like how eleanor punched the mirror into shatters, the only difference is that ariadne doesn't have the power or ability to fix her own heart unlike to what she did to the mirror.

"whoever's disturbing your thoughts, ignore it. it's no one important and never will be"

first tear; their lips clashed against each other.

second tear: their tongues glided a sinful dance together.

ariadne smiled bitterly and decided that it is time for her to stop and so she did. she dissapeared away from his sight right after their shared kiss.

sehun felt nothing when he kissed her but he kept going, tricking his heart and his mind that what he was doing was the right thing to do. he felt it, he saw it. he saw right through ariadne's glossy eyes and felt her destroying herself slowly.

a painful feeling crept up to sehun. it was suffocating and he felt needles piercing through his chest. funny how he felt so pained after seeing ariadne's tears. but when he saw eleanor's tears, it was nothing but mere sympathy. so why?

why did he feel that way to ariadne?

whatever it is. whichever kind of pain it was that he's feeling. it was still nothing compared to ariadne's

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