Rooftop Kiss

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She making the bento for him as bait to get a chance being together with him alone. After last time dramatic event which ending with unpleasant moment, she think she should redeem it back. That guy done anything to get them being together again and she is really grateful by it.

She was jumped off from the bus, running for him and hoping that he will understand that she really want to be together with him again but when he was asked her to go to London with him so suddenly makes her flustered.

She should know what Daoming Si be like, the impatience man and always rush when come to anything about her. He thought his mum will understand him which is doubtful by her. His mum not easily let them be whatever they want, she hate her and now she was broke their promise, she is back to Daoming Si, her precious son and heir. This is exactly a suicide.

Honestly, she is scared. If this love will kill anyone else, she will not having peace for whole life but she is so in love with that guy and she determined to make it works and being persistent with it even she need do it secretly.

And of course it's making him furious about it. He don't want do it secretly.

"Are freaking kidding me? You want me to watch movies, go out and eating secretly? What are you thinking?"

When she being honest with him saying that she is really want to be together with him but scared that his mum will taking action if she known about them making him declared that he is ready to give up everything for just for her. She can't describe how happy she is at that moment, she almost pulling him into her arms, proud to be loved by this man.

However this sneaky guy always have his way, when she is requesting to keep their secret even from Ximen and Meizuo, he will agreed if only he get a kiss from her. She absolutely not immune yet if he being too close to her because she always know what exactly he want from her.

This guy always making her nervous when he showing his affection openly and suddenly which is always makes her flustered.

"Because my heart beating so fast. Because i'm too excited. Because you're all i think about. Because you're here in front of me. I can't breathe. So, no." too fast and without consideration making her saying what's in her mind causing him grinning widely.

Looking at him joyful face over her rambling makes her heart beating crazily with pleasure because she can makes him happy.

She always thought how easy to makes him happy. He always cheerful when she being obedient to him, let him get his way with her, staying at his side and when she showing her affection to him, he will grinning stupidly like a child who get his favourite candy and he also easily furious, frustrating when she against his will or didn't understand what he want.

Her childish man, Daoming Si still looks attractive and extremely handsome in whatever situation and she hopelessly adoring him all over again, her feeling towards him overwhelming.

She can't realised when or how her hand now caressing his cheeck, his naughty grinning turned to lust now. She actually panic with herself acts but she didn't want pull it away from him because she want it too at that moment.

"Shan-shancai...." he is gulping, his pupils dilated.

" i already calm if only you still want kissing me..." she want it!

Without further delay, he closing their gap and push his lips over her sloppily scaring if she will change her mind. She only closing her eyes and feeling his lips over her numbly before he start massaging her lips gently and lingeringly. She is allowing him, follow his lead, answering his every moves causing him grunting deeply. He is pulling her closer to his body which is fit perfectly like puzzle pieces.

Her mind dizzy with his lips, scent, body and touch. She need get a grip before they getting carried away with that enormous feelings and they're at open space on their university rooftop for godsake. When he broken the kiss for air and before he getting her lips back again, she quickly blocking it with her palm.

He quickly frowning unsatisfied.

"I got to go, got another class. See you later..." she swiftly freeing herself from his arms and pecking his right cheek, grabbing her bento bag and running away leaving him stunning at his spot.

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