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Her heart broke instantly once entering that room, seeing two conglomerate families gathered for discussing their union between their children.

And she is standing there witnessing like a fool, confusedly listening those clown discussing in their sophisticated way.

That's how the monster, Daoming Feng making her feels small in front of them. She just determined to show her who should be his son's partner for life not someone randomly like her.

Shancai hates that woman tones, eyes and even her smells while others eyes staring questionably why she is there and the pair of deep brown eyes glancing worriedly to her. His eyes, full of rages, sympathies and she just cannot meet that eyes. She just can't!

She didn't register what they're talking about, only heard few words;

Daoming Si-engagement-He Xiaozi

When Daoming Si with his temper roaring his disagreement of all his own mother plot, dissing his fiancée-to-be and be countered back by his future fiancée.

And there she is still standing watching their short drama at the side before Daoming heir dashed out of room pulling his future fiancée hand while passed her. She felt extra stupid in front of that Daoming president who snickered sarcastically to her.

Her mind was blanked, her sense was numbed, her heart was pained.

That's it.

She walking back to her home after gathered her composure. She is Dong Shancai, she was born without him and she can live without him.

He keep calling her but she don't think she need to hear him out because his action earlier already showed what he want. She randomly throw her phone into the fridge without much thought.

But seeing him in front her eyes is different feeling, she's being played by him, all his words were lies. She think she should congratulate him properly because she is his only VIP guest in that engagement meet up.

"I made mistake. I thought it was you."

That's the moment she losing her shit. What this guy trying to say?

"Our height, hairstyle and clothes completely different. Are you blind?"

It's a insulted for her, he is not even recognised her. What she is exactly for him? She cannot stop her mouth anyway, so she spitting her words to him, ignoring the confused audiences around.

Walking out with light feeling while denying herself that she should accept that since that girl so nice, beautiful with great background matching him so much than her.

She instantly regret to say that, this heir also have weird character. He Xiaozi definitely great on push certain button of her.

She is casually tell everybody that she like Daoming Si and how his reaction whe she bite his ears and that guy can't even counter back.

Shancai hate herself feeling shock and jealous with it. She hate herself how she want punch his face who try pleading her understanding that time.

'Who is he try to kidding? He said no but he allow it? The great Daoming Si allowing a so-called-monkey-girl bite his ear and he is shy because of it?! He even have the nickname for her already...'

She barely can't listening to their moment, walking away from the lovely couple before Xiaozi following her, forcing to grab a cup of coffee and listening to her blabbering about her curiosity of her future fiancé. Shancai just listening without much care and never reveal what happen between her and Daoming Si.

Xiaozi is not bad actually; she is brat heir, the typical princess but she is the kind and humble one. She already declaring Shancai as her friend and alliance in order to making Daoming Si fall in love with her. Shancai can't even say anything, just allowing her like the fool.

'She is beautiful and nice, got grand background matched with him and she is his mother's preferred. It's making everyone happy and free from that witch evil plans. Furthermore, i'm too powerless to fight her. Let him go, Shancai...'

Then, she tell him to follow his mother desire. His face dropped instantly, disappointed with her statement and walk away from her in the rain. There's she is controlling her tears from flooding in front of him. The pain is real but she can't do anything beside hurting him again. He is far from her league.

The rest of upcoming days was tortured for her. While denying her feeling toward Daoming Si and trying living as normal as she can. Xiaozi can't stop pestering her with relationship progress with Daoming Si as he finally agreed to date her. It's hurt her heart but nothing she can do.

Witnessing their first kiss making her blood dried instantly. She's numb, her stupid eyes producing tears on the spot, while her mouth denying accusation from Lei. Her body not herself, it's malfunctioned that day.

She need to live, she need to learn to forget him but it's hard when Xiaozi still intervening in her healing process. The invitation to her resort hotel with hot spring easily baiting Lei who unexpectedly agreed while Xiaozi misreading her relationship with Lei as a couple making Daoming heir sending his taunting-betrayed stares towards her.

Shancai almost choking unbothered face of Lei that time. It's become more awkward and Lei just being Lei, leaving her alone facing that bitter face of Daoming Si and excited Xiaozi. Daoming Si in his bad mood not fun at all, he keep staring at her and drinking too much. She know that stares well and it suffocating her.

Luckily, Xiaozi pulling her to get soaking in hot spring and sauna while listening to her wedding plan, she even get offer as bridesmaid. Her mind fill with the midst, cannot thinking anything else than him making her suddenly hard to breath. She is losing her conscious instantly.

Waking up with pain her head and view of him who sitting silently at the corner of room drowning with his own reverie. Her movement making the sound captured his attention, his face full of worries.

"Daoming Si, what are you doing here? It's inappropriate if Xiaozi know this...."

"She already known and stop pushing me away. I'm not leaving you easily Dong Sanchai! Not for this lifetime." He is walking to her bed, taking the seat beside her and touching her cheek softly.

"I will not let Lei being with you alone, touch you or seeing you half naked. Never! You are mine! I will not allow anyone taking you from me even you push me away." His eyes showing his determination. He is Daoming Si, the unstoppable guy.

" about Xiaozi? You can't do this to her. She is lo...hmmpphh.." her words got cut by his lips suddenly landed on her while his tongue slip in her mouth quickly when she about to protest him.

This is the first time they're kissing like that, intimately. She was stunned, trying to push him but he not even bothered, even trying deepening his kiss. She is struggling between her rationalism and her desire which getting caught in her. His wild pace decreased to gently languid kiss when she finally surrender and replying him back. There's deep grunts and moan between it.

She is forgetting what she should do with him and enjoying his lips massaging. It's too irresistible, Daoming Si know how to please her, making her hard to push him away.

"Shancai, i only love you always. I don't want anyone beside you. I love you so much Dong Shancai!" he is now hovering above her, his rope loosened showing his hard chest and she is spreading on the bed flustered, her robe also loosened dangerously barely covering her twins on her chest. The first time she feeling so raw in front of him. His adam apple bobbing repeatedly while his eyes getting darker staring at her uncovered cleavage.

The air getting hitched, the tension getting high, he is waiting her green light.

"Daoming Si, i miss you so much..." her voice barely audible but not for this guy. His smile spreading the light all over his face.

She is pulling him to her body, she's decided to follow her heart, stop denying her own self. She want him, she will be with him. Nothing can stop her now, not Daoming Feng or Xiaozi. As this guy will against all the odds, she will too. He was her needed. Daoming Si only for Dong Shancai, forever.

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