Ps : I love you

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He is demanding her numerous times, gently and aggressively. He want hear it from her own mouth of those three words. He already confessing, expressing that countless times loudly like the whole China will be found out soon how his feels towards her.

But she still can't reply him properly. Her timid nature makes her got difficulties to spell that words on his face. It's hard, like those words stucked on her throat everytime she going to say it.

She is not sure what exactly reason why she hardly saying that when she was very sure that she is so in love with him. That guy already occupied her heart permanently and she cannot afford to love anyone else now.

How everytime he frowning when she trying divert his topic relating to that is breaking her heart. She somehow feels stupid, hopeless and hating herself. Why she can't be honest with him and herself easily?

Deep down she is scared, still traumatised from the breaking up with him when she was ready to be with him forever just because of his mother. Daoming Feng is monster that she hardly surpass but still, she is the foolish one confronting her without much plan or armour and the end she is hurting herself and him also.

But he is worth it, he worth for everything and she decided to keep fighting his mother until the end, until she accepting them. It's all because of her love for him, Daoming Si.

Can he read all her gestures were because of she love him? Why he need her say it out loud?

She is not expressive from the start, she is the passive one in relationship and he is her first guy. She is awkward when come to initiate or expressing her feeling loudly, she is prefer lowkey action and he is contrasting her whole personality. She is somehow glad because of it.

When he is walking away disappointed with her who still can't say it and always find the excuses to avoid that topic, it's waking her up.

Why she should be the timid, fidgeting about it when she is really love him so much?! Why she should scare or worry about his mother or other peoples? She want him, she love him and she want he know about it, throwing his insecurities about her and their relationship.

"Daoming Si, I love you!!"

That's it! She said it loud and clear infront of their friends.

'You are mine and I'm yours, Daoming Si!'

She can't hear or feel anything else than his hot breath on top of her head and warm embrace by his muscular arms. He is giggling happily making her feels contented too. How good to be true to yourself and being in love with this guy.

He is loosening his hugs just to stare her face, his eyes shining brightly, his lips ripping with huge grins, his arms still caging her waist making her flushing red creeping her whole face as they're still got the audience who now squalling teasingly.

"Excuse us, i need the moments with my cute girlfriend now...." without moving his eyes on her, he pulling her out from the main door to his car.

"Thank you, my love...! I love you much!!! Can i kiss you now??" once they get on the car, he cannot hide the urgency of his desire.

It's so funny when he suddenly asking the permission to kiss her like children trying to get the candy.

She is reaching for his cheek, caressing gently and he is leaning to her palm, marking with his warm lips while staring at her intently.

She pulling him to her closly until their nose touching each other.

"Are you happy now? That i'm so in love with you..i'm sorry for not say it soon..i'm sorry if i hurting you..Ah Si, I Love You!" She is whispering softly to him who smiling widely already.

"No-no, love...i know i'm so stupid doubting you. I'm the one who should saying sorry to you. Shancai, i love you too more and i always be..." she cannot wait his words anymore which is absolutely all his feelings toward her, she let herself tasting that mouth who cannot stop pouring love confessions everytime.

Daoming Si groaning deeply when her hot tongue licking his lips for the access which granted by him gladly. She is moaning as his hand reaching her breast out her qipao. They're breaking for the air but the tension of desire still there.

"Let's go home..." he suddenly pull out his body and hurrying to start moving his car.

"Home...? oh, ok." she somehow feeling disappointed when they're already get the right feeling and suddenly it's stop in the middle but she don't want show him how badly she want him now.

"! We need bigger space for it, i want you feel comfortable. Don't change your mind, keep that mood until we're reaching home. Ugh, i want you badly now!!!" he is driving rushingly but still carefully while reaching for her hand and kissing it repeatedly.

She is cannot help from giggling how silly they are, being in love with him always makes her fascinating how they will be looks like in the future.

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