Daoming's Mansion

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She is staring at the ceiling in the dark. Her eyes blinking rapidly because she absolutely cannot sleep. That ceiling much difference from the one at her home. This one crafted beautifully, absolutely expansive matching the whole concept of this room.

The soft mattress cushioning her body too soft, too fluffy and far much better than her own which consider by herself as her lovely dreamland.

This room that she already have been few times but she can find a little thing that amused herself.

'Indeed, the rich people always have better condition than us the commoner..'

This scent, the scent which can makes her nervous, happy, anticipating, sad too. The scent of him, the man who casually shaking her plain world with his extraordinary way. She never thought that she will encounter this kind of human, he is overbearing, domineering, annoying, snobby of rich heir.

She almost smacked on his head how ridiculous this man doing the make over and offering her to be his girlfriend out of nowhere when he kidnapped her to this vast mansion.

She also speechless when he suddenly dragged her to  here after she got chased by her house owner last time just because his house got so many room while he already known that she already challenged his own mother and the reason why she got kicked out from her house.

She was practicing for cooking competition with his Jie, working as his house maid, getting that meteor necklace, breaking up in rain, all happen in this mansion. She got many memories in here but still she's not really comfortable everytime.

She is glancing to right side of her, seeing his broad back of him. That lonely, frustrating, or maybe sulking back. Since he taking that space beside her earlier, he never turning to her like he usually done.

It's all because what happen earlier, he is the one proposed to stay at his house since her place already uncovered by his mum's chaperone and his hiding place already not safe anymore.

He also encouraged them to sneak into his room at his house which fully guarded,

'The most dangerous place is the safest.'

and she just obeying him because she is simply believing him. Her faith on him now unbreakable, even sometimes she will arguing how reckless his plan but at the end she only being obedient following his lead. He absolutely have some quality makes him a leader now or in future. He is indeed the Daoming heir.

They're succeeded getting into his room, securing themself without his mum's bodyguard aware of her existence. It's sound ridiculous but can his mum hired someone really skillful to guard her unstoppable son?!

This man of her always have something in his mind everytime they were being alone. He is shamelessly ogling her openly after she out from bathroom wearing his hoodie which too big for her. His small grinning, his lustful eyes making her blushing nervously. She can read those mischievous face, he is planning something in his mind.

When he is pulling her to his bed, hovering her body flatly with excited face of him trying stealing her lips, she stopping him immediately. His face down, his forehead crinkled with worries.

"Don't you want to be with me anymore?"

He is voicing his anxiety, she can help adoring him. Feeling overwhelming how he is so anxious about losing her. He is insecure with her, thought about if she will be tired of them, being sneaky around just to love each other.

"Your determination and perseverance moved me. I'm not able hate you."

She is on the stage that she will love and fighting along with him. She already decided to love him all her might even there's obstacles between them. She will not give up easily and trying to find the way out for him. She is the weed, she is stronger, she choose to be happy and her happiness should be with this man, Daoming Si.

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