Chapter Nine

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The four remain quiet for some time until Tae became impatient

"WELL?!" Tae was half yelling

At that moment Tee's parents just arrived to see the commotion between them

"What's wrong?" His Mae ask

"Where's Tee? Did the doctor say anything?" His por now ask.

Tae now knead his forehead in frustration as again "I am asking again what happened to make him get a major headache?!"

There was a pregnant silence until the door of Tee's room opened and the doctor came out and said "The patient is in stable condition now. He sedated him and put a good amount of painkillers to rid of him for his headache as he claim. We could not answer your question now as it is still under tests but we will get back to you. Ah I presume you are Tee's parents. Please follow me to my office I would like to discuss something"

"Please sir what is wrong with our son?"his Mae ask now desperate. Her eyes started to water.

"We are unsure now but if you follow me I will show you the scan results" the doctor said

"We would like to see as well" Tae said.

"Very well" the doctor said and soon Tae along with Tee's parents and his friends followed the doctor to a room.

There they were ask to sit. Some couldn't so they remain standing.

He pull out an x-ray from an envelope and placed it at the screen and it shown the full image of Tee's brain

"As you can see sir madam your son has a blood clot in this area" pointing to the right side of his brain "thus the reason why we couldn't get it out until he receive approval from his family. For now he only capable of remembering some little bit off memory from his life but could not remember a few recent events"

Tae now understood. Then he ask "How long will he be this way doctor?"

"Could take a day, a week, a month or even years. Who knows. We just need to get approval to get rid of that blood clot"

"Will our son recover soon after doctor?"his por now asked

The doctor pull down his spectacles and look straight into the eyes of Tee's parents and answered "its a 50-50 chance. I promise I will make sure Tee will recover and be healthy as always"

By now Tee's mae was already bawling and soon the six of them went back to Tee's room and took a glance at the sleeping patient.

Tae glared at the four and said "OUTSIDE NOW" he said gritting his teeth and left the room.

Soon the four followed behind Tae who was letting out a dangerous aura.

Even Bas the youngest between them.

"Tell me what happened after I left" Tae said and crossed his arms.

The four gulped and soon Copter answered "We told him about what happened four years ago..."

"YOU WHAT?!"Tae half screamed.

The four sighed and Godt said "He asked so we answered him. We didn't know it would lead to this"

"The consequences of your actions cause all this!" Tae yelled

The four flinched. They knew they were wrong.

"We're sorry P Tae" the four said "We just don't like to lie to Tee" Kimmon added

Tae let out a sigh and said "It's fine. It's too late now"

The four look at each other and felt even more guilty.

Soon they were called to come in and they saw Tee now wide away, slightly lethargic but still hanging on.

He smiled when they came in but then his expression says it all.

It was surprised and panic. Tae knew it was time to leave

"I got to go. LINE me whatever the doctor say" Tae said and soon he left the room without another word.

"What's wrong with khun Tae?"Tee's Mae ask

"Oh...he said he was at work earlier. He just want to see how Tee was doing and he decided to go back to work. He will come back don't worry Mae" Kimmon said with a smile

"Really? I see. He is a CEO after all. I see him on TV all the time" hi por said

Tee's eyes widen "Really por? I didn't know that" Tee said

His por nodded "I'd be happy if you marry khun Tae. He sounded so concerned when he called us"

Tee's eyebrows risen "Really?" He ask

"Of course son. Guess he really care for you"his Mae now say

AN:ooh if this moron didn't get his amnesia he'd be having his heart beating fast

His four friends couldn't help but thought

"His Mae is really brave to say it" Bas whispered between them.

"Yeah. He really had no idea" Kimmon said

"Think we should suggest to P Tae on how to make Tee fall in love or...."Copter smirked

"Or we let him do it himself. He is a grown as man and if both don't pull out their own ego and another remember another I will leave them stranded on deserted island for a month" Godt said now mad.

Bas then said "Don't worry na P we will arrange this. Operation TaeTee" he smirked

"Operation TaeTee begin now" the four said simultaneously.

They turned back and saw Tee and his parents having a serious discussion.

"We will discuss this on LINE" Kimmon said

The four agreed. This began their friends plan. They are hopeful it will turn out positively for the two best friends.

What will happen next? Stay tuned.

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