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Seonghwa heard it again,the sweet melody of a soft voice,not too high but not to low.

Sighing, knowing he won't get anymore sleep that night. Checking the side clock, flashing in bright red numbers that illuminated slightly. Seonghwa turned to the voice, not surprised as he saw the boy with the mullet sitting on the windowsill, swinging his legs cutely, smiling softly at Seonghwa. The ghost that appeared at his window years ago.

The boy was dressed in black jeans that makes him look impossibly smaller, a large black sweater with a graphic tee shirt reading happy.

"Good evening" Seonghwa spoke softly, the boy smiled widely at Seonghwa, making his heart race in some sort of way. The boy then retreated from his claimed spot, sitting on the bed.

Seonghwa reached out for the ghosts hand, knowing well that he wouldn't be able to feel anything but a cold mist as his hand went through the boys.

"how was your day?" The mullet adorned boy spoke softly, facing Seonghwa, looking at their-supposed to be intertwined-hands.

Seonghwa shrugged. "Nothing much, same thing really" The boy chuckled at that. "Hey-"

Seonghwa then realized that he never had the boys name, better yet where he's from, and why he's here.

"Who are you?" Seonghwa asked, sitting up, making eye contact with the male.

The boy opened his mouth to reply, before shutting it. Taking a deep breathe.

"Kim Hongjoong" He spoke, looking at the open window, curtains swaying with the wind.

"Why are you here?" Seonghwa spoke again, anticipation covering his features."Because I haunt this place." Hongjoong replied, pointing his finger up at the ceiling.

Seonghwa tilted his head, confused. "I died here, you know. "The air went heavy, but so silent in the room you can hear their breathing. At least, Seonghwa's.

"died..?" Seonghwa spoke so softly, looking at the ghost with some sort of sympathy, fear, even.

Hongjoong shuddered, looking up at the ceiling. "The hook." He pointed up at the ceiling, a misty like ring room reflecting odd the moons light.

Confused Seonghwa stood up, standing directly under the hook the ghost had pointed at.

Hongjoong sighed. "Ever seen a noose?" Pinching the bridge of his nose. Like on queue, everything clicked for Seonghwa. Heart clenching painfully. "Hongjoong.." Before he could finish the boy cut him off.

"Don't, it's okay" Hongjoong shook his head, sad smile stretching on his lips. "I kind of regret it, though." Sighing, looking at his dangling legs.

"The saying there's so much more too live for, is a lot more true after you've lost your own life, you know." Hongjoong looked at the other, eyes stern. "Don't ever lose hope like I did, okay?"

Seonghwa could only nod, gulping. Spinning around when he saw his door crack open, light leaking into the room.

"Seonghwa..?" His mother had her head peaked in, confusion crossing her features. "What are you doing?"

The boy looked at the bedside clock, not noticing how much time had passed. It was already 6.

"Is that your mom?" Hongjoong said, voice at full level.

yeah, Seonghwa thought, running his hands through his hair. "Oh, well she seems like a nice lady" Hongjoong continued to speak, making Seonghwa confused.

"I was.." Seonghwa glanced at Hongjoong, who waved quietly. "Just waking up." He fiddled with his shirt collar.

"Okay" She didn't seem to buy it, but it was enough for her to leave the room.

The blonde haired boy then turned to the ghost whos limbs were now sprawled on thr bed. 'This isn't his house..' Seonghwa thought, making his way to his drawers. "Technically it is, well it was." The ghost replied snarkly, smirk covering his features. "How-"

"I can read your mind." Hongjoong replied, tapping his temple.

"So.. do you just go around reading every bodies mind?" Seonghwa asked, raising his eyebrow as he pulled out a shirt and jeans.

Hongjoong shook his head. "No, I can only hear your thoughts, which has never happened before."

"Never happened before?"

"God.." Hongjoong sighed dramatically, placing the back of his hand on his forehead. "You're going to kill me with all these questions" Hongjoong chuckled.

"I'm just curio-"

"But you can't, im already dead." Hongjoong snorted, covering his mouth with his hand. "Anyways, I feel a connection, you know. Like, a tug at.. My heart strings?" It seemed like the boy was just as confused as Seonghwa.

The blonde boy nodded, stepping into the bathroom, confused.

Seonghwa stared at his reflection in the mirror momentarily, sighing before he ducked down into the sink to rinse his face.

Hongjoong walked around the room, quite shocked by its vague difference from when he was present.

Swiping his fingers over the many CD cases that lay on a shelf he chuckled, noticing the variety of genres and musical artists.

"Please don't harass my albums" The sudden echo of a voice made Hongjoong jump.

"I'm just looking" Hongjoong whined, pouting before approaching the other. "You're short." Seonghwa mumbled.

Hongjoongs misty figure became sharper around the edges. "Am not!" The bluish hue of his skin taking on a pink tone.

Seonghwa chuckled, raising his hand to playfully shoving the older, before retracting it, doubting.

Hongjoong didn't notice, at least Seonghwa hopes he didn't. "So where are you going today?" Hongjoong looked up at the male questioningly.

Seonghwa shrugged, heading into thr closet to grab his backpack. "School, like normal."

Hongjoong smiled mischievously. "No-"Seonghwa huffed. "No hongjoong you cant-oh my god" The other chuckled.

"Let's go, yeah?" The muller adorned boy smirked, walking past the other. The blonde haired male shivered at the cold breeze he left in his tracks. Quickly running after the other.

Hongjoong walked by his mom, the woman perking up at the sudden cold breeze. "See you after school Seonghwa!"

The male nodded, slipping his shoes on and grabbing his backpack. Huffing when he realized how hot it was, as if the sun was trying to burn him alive.

Hongjoong had already skipped ahead, practically walking through everyone in his path.

'hongjoong!' Seonghwa thought, squinting his eyes. The other whipped around, smirking. "You're slow"

The other rolled his eyes, huffing in response. Starting to jog up to Hongjoong, the ghost stood in place, pouting.

The duo continued walking into the class. Seonghwa stopped at the entrance as a eerie voice seemingly.. in his head? Repeated

you're cursed.

Seonghwa shook his head, its just his mind playing jokes on him. He sat in his seat, flipping open his notebook.

"You're falling in. It's not safe, you're cursed, abandon him."

"Before its to late"

Hongjoong stared at the other, fear in his eyes. "Don't listen to them." But Seonghwa couldn't stop it, he couldn't stop listening.

"You're cursed."

srey the endings rushed :(( but bw thankful how long this chapter is because they'll never be this long again 😔😔

1133 words

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