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Seonghwa threw his school clothes off, replacing them with more comfortable clothing before heading downstairs.

Ghost Hunter? What even was that? How was Seonghwa suppose to knoee to know what that was?

“What’s a ghost hunter suppose to do?” Seonghwa questioned the ghost sitting on the kitchen counter. He stiffened at the mention, Seonghwa assumed that being a ghost hunter wasn’t supposed to be a good thing. “A ghost hunter, doesn't kill ghost, but-”

Hongjoong lifted his shirt up, on his chest there was a crack, pitch black with some sort of eerie smoke flowing around it. The crack was pitch black, not even see through. “As a ghost hunter, you have to stitch this.” Seonghwa blinked, confused.

“By stitching the crack this would have ghost..move on.” Hongjoong shrugged, letting his shirt fall back down. “Which means we’ll disappear from your world, and move into.. Not my world, but, the after life.”

“What’s the after life?” Seonghwa questioned, grabbing a carton of milk from the fridge and filling a glass. “The afterlife is where ghost go, well actually, where people are suppose to go after they pass.” Seonghwa lipps fluttered, like he was going to say something, but fell shut only seconds later. “The ghost who are still here, like me, are the ghosts with regrets, the ones who.. Can’t accept the fact they're gone.”

After you die, the quote “There's so much to live for” is true.


“Seonghwa? Who are you talking to?’’ His mother appeared in the doorway, confused with her arms crossed over her chest. Eyes crinkled and her lips turned down in a confused frown, forehead glistening with sweat. “No one” Seonghwa mumbled, taking a drink of the milk in the glass and placing the carton back in the fridge.

“Don’t tell me you’re going insane?” His mother teased, eyebrow lifting up. Seonghwa couldn't help but smile. Turning back to the place where Hongjoong was, but he wasn’t there. Seonghwa shoulders sagged. “No, i’m not” The male sighed, dragging his feet up the stairs.


“Hongjoong.” The male perked up at the mention of his name, letting his eyes fall onto the taller male standing in front of him. “Mingi” Hongjoong replied back, smiling slightly at the twitch of the youngers eye.

“Eden told us to stay away from humans.” The younger reminded, making the older groan. “You know what happened last time!” Mingi flinched.

“Yeosang still got back to his world, you should be blaming Wooyoung, not me.” Hongjoong protested, selfishly crossing his arms over his chest as a child would. “What if you do it again? What if he can’t get back?” Mingi asked, leaning against the brick wall behind him.

Hongjoong stayed silent, squinting at his boots, soaked in rain. “Exactly.” Mingi then made eye contact with the other. “Leave him, Hongjoong.” The younger’s expression was stone, jaw tight he walked away, leaving Hongjoong in the rain.

Hongjoong sighed, running his fingers through his hair. Various spirits roamed around, but then there was the ghosts who couldn’t escape their death.

Stood in the street, a girl, a young girl, cradling a teddy bear close to her chest as she tried to outrun the car racing towards her. Hongjoong closed his eyes, the scene reset just to repeat it over again, and over, and over.

God, and was Hongjoong thankful to be one of the (many) spirits who could properly live in the underworld.

He dragged his feet on the wet pavement very-slowly-wondering where Mingi could’ve run off to. Definitely not far, but not very close. Observing the others he saw one stick out, San, Hongjoong thought.

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