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Airports, yes, Seonghwa hates airports

Today is the first day of winter break. People swarmed around the airport, knocking into one another. 

Yeosang held back the urge to groan, rolling his eyes as he followed the other members around the crowded building.

"Where's our gate??" San panicked, looking around and standing on his tiptoes to see above the taller heads.

Hongjoong giggled, standing beside Seonghwa, the team could feel the spirit was getting stronger. Which left a uneasy feeling in the pit of their stomachs.

Flailing his arms in relief, San rushed towards the gate, knocking a lid of a trashcan. Which Yeosang had set back on the bin with a loud sigh.

They were going to Washington, that one state with only a cool bridge built by slaves or something-Seonghwa didn't think so, but he had never been to America. The group of teens were stretching their limbs over the airport seating, irritating the bystanders looking for a place to sit.

The evening Seonghwa and Yeosang had met, Yeosang handed Seonghwa a pendant.

A mirror pendant.

The rim of the pendant slowly turned into a murky black, surprising the two.

It must've been cold when you died, huh?

Yeosang was busy wrestling for a seat with San, eventually giving up and sitting on the ground. Jongho returned back with a few cups of coffee, handing one to Seonghwa.

The coffee was bitter, the smell of it floated through the air. Bringing Seonghwa a few seconds of peace before he turned down to the comic book sitting in his lap.

Hongjoong smiled sheepishly next to him, palm covering the others hand. "Turn the pages for me?"

Seonghwa sighed, rolling his eyes as the other chuckled.

This was going to be a long trip.

this is so short I'm sorry 😔 but I'm back 👀

298 words

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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