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'What does it mean by cursed?' Seonghwa thought,squinting at Hongjoong who was currently leaning against the teachers desk. The male typing away on his computer,completely unaware-or at least should be unaware-of the vengeful spirit. Seonghwa felt his heart sink to the bottom of his stomach when the other just looked at him, eyes glinted in fear. The blonde haired male let his eyes fall to the finished paper sitting in front of him. Ignoring the fearful eyes that burned holes into his head.

The class passed by awfully slow. Maybe it's because Seonghwa just stared at the clock the entire period, almost missing the bell. He huffed, dragging himself up from the seat, cracking his neck so hard it was just about painful. Tapping his foot angrily againest the floor, being rewarded by the teachers odd glare. But his mission was accomplished, the ghost flinched out of his thoughts and looked up to Seonghwa in slight surprise. Quickly composing himself he walked out of the door.

'What does it mean by cursed? Seonghwa thought again, huffing when Hongjoong didn't even dare to turn around. Seonghwa thought again, his face twisting into a frown as they opened the door to the next class. Hearing Hongjoong huff he thought he cracked him-

"I'll tell you later" The spirit mumbled, wrapping his arms around his middle when Seonghwa sat down. Seonghwa let his mind drift into theories. What if he's next? What if he turns into a spirit? What if he's killed then forced into the world of the dead?No way to escape? Being forced to watch everyone else live their lives? What if he dies in some freak accien-

"It's none of those" Hongjoong huffed, Seonghwa turned ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of the others face. His eyebrow twitching in annoyance. "Moron"

Seonghwa leaned back in his chair, flicking his hair from his eyes. Hearing the spirit mumble, to quiet for Seonghwa to hear. Turning his head from the teacher to look over the heads of the others in the class, only to find one of them staring right back at him. Yeosang was it? Seonghwa couldn't recall.

'I know he's with you' Yeosang mouthed, glaring. The other turned his head back to the teacher before Seonghwa could respond. He could practically feel Hongjoong's shoulders tense, cause his were to.

What did Yeosang mean?

Hongjoong's shoulders slumped as they walked home, the air dense. Seonghwa wasn't mad at Hongjoong-but, confused. He didn't understand, was he cursed? Does Yeosang know? Seonghwa let these thoughts disperse when they walked back into the home, his mother away for work. Toeing his shoes off he followed Hongjoong back into his room. The spirit sat himself on the bed, not even imprinting it in any sort of way.

"So what the hell do they mean by cursed?" Seonghwa retracted himself when he realized how-violent..angry? He sounded. The ghost's eyes crinkling in distress in the corners. "Now that I can hear your thoughts..we're connected." Hongjoong started, shoulders tense as he let his knees pull to his chest, hands soon wrapping around him. "You'll start to see and hear-other spirits around as well."

"Which means, soon enough, we can physically interact, which then means." Hongjoong took a pause, frowning. "You can come to the.." Hongjoong let his fingers air quote. "Flip side"

Seonghwa eye twitches, cracking a smile. 'Flip side?" The two words sounded foreign on his tongue. "Yeah..which means that, you can turn this world, into mine." Seonghwa froze, smile dropping. Eye falling wide. "I can change this whole wor-"

"No moron, only from your point of view." Hongjoong spat with no real anger, then looked at him as if he was the stupidest one around. "But that does mean, you can disappear from this world if somebody." Hongjoong then let his finger poke at the center of his chest."Pulls away your spirit."

"My spirit?" Seonghwa tilted his head, confused."Yes, or for you humans, your pulse." Seonghwa hummed. "So my heart." Receiving a nod, he let his fingers uncurl from his shirt.

"What's so bad about that?" Seonghwa did not understand, if he could communicate with the dead, what was so bad about tha-

"Which means a ghost other than me, can cause you to die, or simply put it, kill you."


"About that Yeosang guy" Hongjoong started, ignoring Seonghwa glare."He can see me, only for a reason." Seonghwa joined Hongjoong on the bed, sitting beside the other. "He's cursed just like you." Seonghwa let his eyes widen. "Like me?" Hongjoong hummed.

"Because just like Yeosang, Seonghwa, you're a ghost hunter."


oof oof writing this is fun tho-

789 words

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