Chapter Four

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I woke up on the couch to the smell of cigarettes and whiskey. It smelled so bad that it made my head hurt. I started to open my eyes to bright lights coming from the windows. I sat up to see mitch right next to me smoking a cigarette.
"Hey" I said In a tired voice with my eyes barely open
"Hey"he said looking at me with a straight face
It was weird he seemed off again.
"You ok?"I asked as he took one last puff from the cigarette and letting it out on the tip of his finger. How did that not hurt?. he got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed a beer from the fridge again.
"Yeah...why?"he asked as he looked at me
"What time is it?"I asked getting up and heading to the fridge and grabbing a beer and opening it by my thumb and taking a sip. I looked at the clock to it was three O'clock in the afternoon. Wow that was a shocker I was really that tired.
"You finally got used to it huh?"he asked as he knocked me out of my thoughts. He looked at me shocked that I was drinking the strong bitter cold drink.
I got used to it sense I kept on getting up and taking water and then just got bored from drinking water so I just took beer. That's probably explains why my head hurts plus the cigarettes
"Yeah I guess"I said having a shy smile as I took a seat on the island and laid my head down in exhaustion on the table.
"Hey I was thinking of something last night..."I said but stopped because it was stupid what I was going to ask
"Sense you haven't killed me yet and you seem like a decent guy"I said as I was getting worried from the way he looked at me in confusion because I kept on hesitating from each sentence I was saying.
"Just say it"he said probably already knowing what I was going to say
"Can I just stay here?"I asked hiding my head In shyness.
I had nowhere to go. If I left and went off I would be on the streets and he seems like a decent guy and he hasn't killed me yet so maybe I am safe.
"Do you want to?"he asked as he looked at me In a serious face.

I felt pressure all around me I was getting nervouse. What if he didn't want me to stay with him I mean I have nowhere else to go.

"Yeah...maybe...if that's ok with you"I said hesitating at first but was just going to say it.
He looked confused at what I said or kinda nervous. I didn't know what he was feeling even know I only knew him for a few days but it was easy to tell what he was feeling but I guess I just couldn't right now. He walked and grabbed his Phone off of the coffee table and put it in his back pocket. He walked over to me and grabbed the cold beer can out of my hand.
"What...what are you doing?"I asked as I put my head up and him throwing that stupid, dumb bitter but good drink in the garbage and walking back over to me and said.
"We are going to go out and probably won't be back til later sense it's friday"he said as when he said Friday I looked shocked at what day it was sense I thought it was Wednesday but whatever.
"What?"he said as he noticed I still had a shocked look on my face
"Oh nothing...I just thought today was Wednesday" he looked at me in a confused way which made me laugh in a quiet noise under my breath.
"Your way off"I heard him say under his breath which also made me smile.
After he told me we were going out to do god knows where I went and and walked to the bathroom and turned right back around and just realized that I had NO clothes.
"Um...I have no clothes how am I going to get ready?"I asked as I turned around and went back to the kitchen to see him on his phone again What the hell is he doing this time.
"What is so important on your phone?"I asked eyebrows raised
"Oh nothing just nothing"he said acting weird as he put his phone into his back pocket. He walked back to his room and pulled out another pair of sweat pants and a plain white T-shirt and walked back out and handed then to me.
"Thank you"I said as I walked back to the bathroom and put on the clothes. I walked back to the kitchen and saw him not on his phone this time, that's new.
"I'm ready"I told him as he looked at me and grabbed his keys we walked out the door still not knowing where we were going. We walked down the six flights of stairs and headed out through the big see through hotel doors and headed to the back and got into his car. We started driving a bit until I asked him where we were going.
"Where are we going?"I asked as I was looking out the window to see the skyscraper buildings and the bright sun in my face.
"You'll see"he told me keeping his eyes only on the road.
It was quite for a few seconds until he had a small laugh and smile appear on his face it made me confused, what was so funny.
"What?"I asked as I took my eyes off the high buildings and sun and looked at him.
"Nothing"he told me still having a soft smile on his face.
"Tell me"I said anxiously to see what he was laughing about
"You never told me your name"he said as he looked at me with a smile.

Oh god that's what he was laughing about, I thought I did something. I let out a soft light laugh to and I closed me eyes and actually realized I haven't told him my name.
"Oh...right my name I'm so sorry I haven't told you my name"I said apologizing
"So your name...what is it"he said as I was about to say it until he said something
"Wait let me guess"he told me focusing on the road as we were still on the highway.
"Ok go ahead"I said to him realizing that he would probably not even be close to guessing my name right.
"Camila"he said as I shook my head
"Not even close"I said under my breath
"Becky" he said figuring out he wasn't close
"Wait don't tell me"he said as i cut him off
"I feel like I should"I said looking at him with a smile
"Ok fine tell me"he said as he looked at me. For some reason I was kind of nervous what if it was a name he wasn't expecting.
" name is Lydia"I said under my breath as he looked over at me again eyes off of the road as the car slowed down I know to take your eyes off the road but there was barely any cars. He looked at my eyes directly as I looked at him again.
"What?"I asked as he looked at me
"Your so beautiful"he whispered as he looked at me in my eyes and I could tell he got lost in my green emerald colored eyes and him realizing what he just said. I wasn't mad it was kinda cute all I could do was just let out a small laugh.
"Oh god...I'm sorry I mean your name, your name is beautiful"he said closing his eyes shut tight probably wishing he could take it back what he just said.
"Thank you"I said with a shy smile on my face
"You really do have a really pretty name"he told me still focusing on the road
"Your name suits you"he told me as I smiled as I could tell he was a little embarrassed. I just had a smirk on my face and looked out the window.

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