chapter eight

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   Dean sat down on the couch as Mitch did to. I wanted nothing to do with this, they both kill people I'm not trying to get myself killed, but I feel like I already did.

"You told her"I could here Dean say in a shocked but in a upset tone as I was in the other room, I don't know why he's mad it's none of his business anyway.

"What was I supposed to do she's was going to find out either way"I heard Mitch say from the other room

"You shouldn't of told her"Dean stated as his voice made me want to punch some one, I don't know what it is but I just didn't like him.

"Well I did so..."Mitch
said as I could tell he got up from the couch and walking over to the room where I was in.

  He came in and grabbed his keys from the night table next to the bed. I wondered where he was going. If he was making me stay here with the other guy, he's insane.

"I'm going out I'll be back"he told me as he looked at me quick and turned around before I stopped him.

"Let me come with you"I told him as I didn't want to be alone with Dean.

""he told me as he started walking toward the door as he turned around.

"You'll be fine Dean will look after you"he told me

"I'll be back" I didn't want him to leave I mean what was i supposed to do talk to that guy over there I don't even know him.

  As soon as you know it he was out the door and gone. I turned around and looked at Dean as he sat there on the couch while having a beer in his hand.

"What?"he asked as he took a sip of the cold bitter drink and shrugged his shoulders, which made me roll my eyes.

  I didn't know what to do except sit next to him on the couch, I walked over to the couch and sat at the other end as I put my hands through my hair in frustration but I didn't really show it on my face but I could tell Dean did as he looked at me.

"Yes?"I said as I questioned why he was looking at me, why was he looking at me?

"You seem stressed"he said getting up and walking over to the garbage that was at the end of the counter as he took one last sip from the beer can and then threw it in the garbage.

"I don't know what your talking about"I told him as I had my eyebrows raised and fixing my siting position as I crossed my legs in shyness.

"Yeah okay"he told me walking back over to me sitting back into the same spot as before.

 After that we didn't talk much. He looked at me a few times I looked at him nothing serious, it actually got kind of boring after awhile. I got up from the sitting position and went to the book shelf that was across from us. I started to roam my finger against the edge of the black wooden shelf. I took some books as I looked at one then I found a book that seemed interesting. "The book of fears" the rough dusty but designed book cover said. Why would a ambitious person like Mitch would have a book like this in his house. I looked at Dean once again just to see what he was doing, he didn't seem like he was doing much, I could tell he caught me looking at him when he looked at me and I quickly looked away.

"You don't like me,do you?"he asked as he looked at me, I looked back at him and sat down next to the couch to make it very clear with him that I DON'T like him.

"No, no I don't"I stated in the most serious way I could, he looked at me like I was a bitch, he's not wrong i was when I wanted to be. Like I said I just don't like him he seems distrustful to me.

  It was a little bit before mitch got back, he seemed pissed off when he got back as I could tell something was wrong. He walked back to his room as he didn't say a word, what was going on with him. I got up from the couch as I hesitated at first because I don't know if I went to check on him or stay with Dean, I went to go see if mitch was okay. I walked back there to his room but knocked at first.

"Hey mitch"I said in a shy voice as I could hear him throwing stuff in his room

"Mitch!"I said a little louder, this time he opened his door, as he did there were papers, and broken glass all over the room.

"What did you do?"I asked in a worried tone as I could tell he was getting angry

  There were papers everywhere, thrown on the ground and on the bed as I could see a mirror smashed with broken glass and blood on it, I looked over to Mitch and looked down to his hand and saw a bloody fucked up fist with blood and could tell he was in pain but just didn't show it, he never shows his feelings, I wish he did but he just didn't.

"Look, I'm fine"he stated as he sat on the bed, my heart was beating out of my chest because of me not knowing what to do.

"What the hell where you thinking?"I asked as I sat next to him and picked up his right bloody hand to look at it, as his hand started to shake and blood ran down his hand which worried me, what the hell was going on in his head?

"Have I ever told you I had anger issues?"he asked as he looked at me in a serious tone like he really was asking me this question, this makes no sense anymore what am I doing here. I can't stay here anymore, but like I said for the hundredth time I cant leave.

(Future) some present tense
  There was just something about him, ambitious, ruthless but caring for only certain people. He was like a hybrid, a mix of the devil and an angel all but into one, he was charismatic, everyone knew him.

  On the other hand I was shy but stubborn, a bitch when i want to be, a free spirit kind of girl. Mitch also doesn't follow by the rules which made me love him even more. Together he was the devil and I was his angel and let's just say the devil and the angel did not get along very well they never do at some points. Screaming and yelling at each others faces and mostly him saying sorry (he started most of the arguments). What did I tell you he committed and I was his crime, as we were still screaming at each other. I still loved him, I love him, I love him, and I love him! His anger made me scared but it made me love him even more, he was confident for everything he said. The way he hid his smile and took a glance at me when I was wearing that long, sparkle, lacey, red dress as we were going out. As we did he said to me as he took my hand as I was walking down the stairs as everyone stared to get down the expensive, shiny hotel lobby. He said to me "you look beautiful, not even beautiful gorgeous. He was a gentlemen, he was one of a kind, I'll never forget that moment.

   I knew he had a dark side to himself, it showed quickly besides the anger issues. He yelled, screamed and even threw things. After that he would try to fix things, that's when his soft side came along. As stubborn as I am I would leave and come back the next day, just to give him a day to cool down. I would come back I couldn't leave him no matter what. we were Toxic. We had no choice but to work together from what we had, what do you expect he was a killer for his good looks and even an actual killer and I was a shy, stubborn girl. I was phlegmatic and he was choleric.

  He was a trickster for his own games and I fell for his games, after that we had more challenges in life than there should be. Sometimes the game didn't last long sometimes it did but like I said I couldn't leave him, we always found a way back to each other some way don't worry. We were two lovers of a Toxic love relationship, just trying to last. Yep just two lovers trying last. What can I say just another romantic love story with a little twist of are own side. We were Toxic.


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