Chapter Five

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  We were still on the road. Me still not knowing were we were going. It was quite for a few minutes not just seconds, but minutes but I didn't really have much to say and it seems like he didn't either. I wanted to ask where we were going but I already asked and I'm afraid he might say the same thing "you'll find out soon". I didn't know what else to ask except to ask questions about himself like how old he was, so I did.
"How old are you?"I asked, I knew it was rude to ask people how old they were but he didn't seem THAT old like in his twenties.
He let out a small laugh.
"I thought you were mad at me cause of how long we weren't talking"he said as he itched the side of his jawline.
I just looked at him waiting for him to answer
"Twenty six"he said as he looked out his window and took a left off the highway and turning on a road with stores, and lots of cars now, and people.
We pulled into a parking lot and Infront of us was a building which said Forever Twenty-one written in big letters. Mitch started walking towards the store giving me a look to tell me to come on. We started walking into the store, there were clothes everywhere. Everything was nice and cute but just so pink and colorful.
"Alright you can buy whatever you want just don't go over the budget"he said as he looked at me
"What's the budget?" I asked as he had a cigarette in his hand and a lighter in the other one and started to light it until he got yelled at.
"Uh uh! You can't smoke in here Sir!" A lady yelled as she pointed her finger at him to make everyone stare
He put his cigarette and lighter in his pocket and said,
"Three hundred, I'm going to smoke have fun"he said as he looked at me as he raised his eyebrows.
"You going to be ok?"he asked in a concerning way but not really as he turned back around and hit me lightly on my arm. I nodded my head as he said ok and walked out and I just stood there thinking about what to buy. There was such good stuff like flannel and ripped Jeans not really into dresses but they did have some really nice ones but I still didn't want to try them on. I started to walk around being curious as I heard some people talking as they looked at me. I gave them a small smile as they just looked at me as they probably saw what I was wearing. I walked away far from those people and started to pick out some red flannel and a pair of jeans and tried to looked for my size. The place was huge it even had stairs going up to a second floor even with more clothes on the second floor. I walked to the dressing room and opened the door and started to change. I started to take off my shirt and put on the white plain Ting Top and put it over my head, over my skinny waist and put on the red see through flannel, then the jeans. It was hard to put them on since my foot got stuck through the ripped hole, but I managed to put them on. After I was done with getting changed and liked the clothes and actually got some rompers and some dresses and took more stuff I got mitch and he paid for them and then we got in the car. I decided to change since i was sick of being in these stupid swear paints and t-shirt.
"I'm going to go get changed"I told him in a shy but brave way and hopped in the back seat.
"Wait...just-"he said to me as he turned around and tried to tell me don't go back there but I was already back there. I stepped on something that I couldn't recognize just from the feeling of it under my feet so I decided to see what it was. I removed the sweater from the car floor and put it on the seat.
"Don't do that!"he yelled trying to stop me but it was to late
"Why?-"I asked as I stopped and looked down and noticed something on the floor. It was black and looked heavy. I wasn't mad from what I saw I was just confused from what I saw.
It was a gun.
"Why do you have a gun?"I asked in a calming way
My heart beated really fast as I couldn't help but let a tear fall down my face.
"You don't understand"he told me as I looked at him in fear and he looked at me in anger and guilt.
"You didn't answer my question"I told him focusing on the gun
I could see in the corner of my eye mitch looking straight at me probably looking for a good answer.
"And don't lie to me, for once just don't lie to me, your the first person I can actually trust so just don't"I told him as I took my eyes off from the gun and at his deep brown mysterious eyes.
"Look can you just get away from the gun"he said to me as if he was worried that I was going to take the gun and shoot him. What I was more worried of if he was going to kill me.
"Your still didn't answer my question"I told him trying to get him to tell me why the hell he had a gun in the back of his car.
I had this rush or feeling like he was going to do something just by the way he looked at me. He grabbed the gun from the floor and threw it in the passenger seat floor and I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath of anger.
"You still didnt answer me"I told him in a urge way from the anger.
"You don't need to know"he said to me as he looked at me in anger instead of guilt this time
I still wanted to know.
"How many people have you killed?"I asked as I looked up at him and took my eyes off of the gun
"What?"he asked in a confused way
"Come on mitch there can't just be a gun in your car and you hadn't killed anyone"I told him getting upset but trying to keep myself calm. What if he killed many people and I was his next target.
"None"he said as he looked at me

He was lying.

I hopped back in the front seat and didn't say A word and looked out the window.
"I'm surprised you haven't left yet"he said as he looked at me starting the car.
I just looked at him in fear and anger. I can't believe I trusted this guy, I'm surprised I still do.
It was quite for the whole way to his house. We walked up to his apartment he opened his door as I ran to the bathroom and got changed as fast as I could. I ran to the kitchen as he looked at his phone.
"Who the hell are you?"I asked as I was some what out of breath from me running and rushing to hurry up.
He looked at me like what happened back in the car never really happened.
"What?"he asked as he raised his eyebrows
"Jesus Christ"I said under my breath as I turned around and went to his jacket and grabbed the gun from his front pocket.
"Whoa!!!"he yelled
I walked up to him with the gun in my hand.
"You don't just do that don't just go and go in my jacket"he told me as he walked up to me and grabbed the gun but I refused and pulled away. I pointed the tip of the gun at him.
"I just want to know who the hell are you!"I yelled as he put his hands up for surrender.
"Okay...okay"he said in a calming way but I could tell he wanted to scream at me.
"Who are you?"I said under my breath as I was scared and terrified at what I was doing, what was I doing?
"Listen you can't tell anyone"he demanded
"Just tell me!"I yelled as I shut my eyes shut tight being impatient
"First let me see the gun"he said walking towards me as he put his hand out and trying to take it.
I pulled away as soon as he took a step.
"Tell me!"I yelled again but this time I took a step
"I'm an assassin!"he blurred out as I was feeling lied to and scared and shocked and feeling a lot of emotions.
"What?"I said under my breath as tears not just a tear, tears came running down my rosy cheeks as my voice cracked
"Can you give me my gun back now?"he asked as I cut him off
"No!"I yelled as my voice cracked again and tears falling down again and me trying not to cry but I just could help it. I tried so hard to be tough but I just couldn't.
"You killed people?"I asked as he looked at me in anger, guilt, and rage
He didn't say anything he just nodded his head. I was done I was lied to, I threw the gun across the room and just stood there as he put his arms down and just stood there as he had a straight look on his face but I could tell he was feeling something. I couldn't help but ask a million questions but I only asked one.
"Why?"I cried under my breath as he just looked at me
I could tell he was feeling anger and guilt and probably wanted to punch something. We just stood there for a long time, no talking or anything I could almost hear his breathing under his nose as I bit my tongue for me not to scream in anger and madness.
"You can leave"he told me as he still had that same look on his face.
I didn't know what to do I didn't want to leave. He killed people and I have that urge of not leaving, what is he doing to me most people would just leave if they found out a person you were staying with was a serial killing machine.
"No"I said under my breath as I was even scared to say anything.
He looked at me with this look of confusion, and I could tell he was fed up with this bullshit.
"What?"he asked
I wasn't leaving, if he wanted to kill me he could've done it way before now so I'm not leaving. I mean where am I supposed to go, I have nowhere to go.
"I'm not leaving"I told him even more scared to talk this time.
"You should"he told me walking over to grab the gun and he crouched down and took the gun with his right hand.
He walked back to his room and I could tell he put it somewhere where I couldn't find it, He locked the door and came back out. I didn't want to leave for some reason I couldn't. I wanted him to know that, there's just something about him that makes me not want to leave. He was like the angel of death if you think about it. I know he had a soft side to him but it just never really seemed to show, but I knew there was.

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