chapter ten

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  Lydia's POV

I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my waist, as I walked out the bathroom and headed to mitch's room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed with a black shirt and a pair of jeans with a picture in his hand.

"Hey"I said in a soft voice as he looked up at me hidding the picture under his leg, acting like he didn't see him do it, I just ignored it

"You okay?"I asked as he seemed like he wanted to cry, but I knew he wouldn't.

"Yeah I'm fine"he stated as he got up from the sitting position and walked to the room that I never saw, he walked up to it as he took out a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door as I wondered what he was doing, I even wondered what was in that room. He unlocked the door with the key and all I saw was him going in there, I didn't even try to go with him even know I was eager to. I could hear him snooping around in there. He came with a black handgun in his right hand, Not again.

"What are you doing?"I asked as I was tired of him leaving

"I'm going out"he told me as walking towards the door as I stopped him

"Where to kill people again?"I asked as I was getting mad from him keeping secrets. I wouldn't keep secrets from him, I barely have any except my whole family is either dead or left me...but that's pretty much it.

"Look it's none of your business anyways who I kill, you are just another girl I slept with it's nothing new Lydia!"he yelled as my heart skipped a beat for the hundredth time today, was I really another girl he just slept with, was what we had just nothing to him. I wasn't even sad I was more pissed off like I just couldn't control what I wanted to do, and that's when this happened. I slapped him right across the face as my blood was boiling and I could tell his was to.

"Psychotic Bitch"he told me as he turned his head infront of me as if he wanted to hit me back, he didn't, as many times he gets mad at me he would never do that, I know I'm probably just another girl who slept with him but he wouldn't.

"And your the psychotic Asshole!"I told him as I yelled in rage, why would he say that, I'm not the one who kills people because of there anger. I could tell he was done with this bullshit, he walked out and left and he was gone and I was here. Like I said we are all kinds of fucked up.


  It's was a little after Mitch left, I laid down on the couch in the living room, as I was thinking about what he said. I wondered if he really meant it, I was really getting mad at myself more than Mitch because of me just thinking about it. Me in a negative mind state was not how I was raised, with my parents gone and with pretty much no one my adopted parents taught me that being in a negative mind state is definitely not healthy especially with what I've been through. I got up and walked around to distract myself as I still wanted, but didn't really want to know what was in that room. I don't know how to though I don't have the key. There's probably just lots of guns in there since he came out with one in his hand but I need to see for myself, but I also knew if Mitch came home seeing me go through his stuff he would probably...well kill me, so I just went back to the couch and laid there until he got back. It turns out after a while that I fell asleep on the couch as I heard someone open the door open from the outside as I started to open my eyes slowly, my heart began to beat faster as I was scared for who it could be. Could it be who I think it could be, could it be Mitch. I heard the door open a crack as I started to get up slowly from the couch as I tip toed a little to the book shelf as I grabbed a hard cover normal sized book and thought to myself maybe this will work. The door opened as my hands started to shake, maybe it was just Mitch but I had a feeling it wasn't. The door opened to see that it was just Mitch. I closed my eyes and let out a deep breath of relief and put the book down back on the shelf.

"Jesus, you scared me"I said under my breath to make him hear me as he shut the door and turned around. He grabbed the pack of cigarettes and a lighter off of the coffee table and lit one and he took a puff of it and let it out as he walked over to the door that I couldn't get opened because of no key.

"You didn't go in here, did you?"he said as he looked at me checking the door knob as if he didn't trust me. He had the cigarette in the side of his mouth. I nodded my head as a sign for I didn't, I wanted to but I didn't.

"Good"he said, as he walked away to the kitchen as he grabbed a beer. He opened it as he took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it between his fingers and took sip of the cold, bitter, and rich drink. I walked towards him as I just needed to know if he was mad at me, he seemed pretty pissed off, it seems like that's his mood all the time.

"Are you mad at me?"I asked as my heart was beating fast because I was scared of asking him. He stopped drinking the beer can and looked at me as I was being serious with him and looked at him dark marble brown eyes.

"No, why?"he said and asked as he put the cigarette back in his mouth

"You seem really pissed off"I stated, realizing that he actually seemed really mad. He rolled his eyes as he walked up to me and looked deeply into my big green emerald eyes and as I looked into his.

"Just because I'm in a pissed off mood does not mean I'm mad at you and you had every right to do that I deserve it I was definitely an asshole today"he stated, as I could tell he was being very serious. I nodded my head as another sign as okay.

  I'm so overthinking that I'm losing my mind, but aren't we all.

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