Chapter Eleven

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Later that night 🌙

I tried so hard to get some sleep but it was almost impossible I couldn't even close my eyes for a quick second with out thinking where Mitch's and I relationship was going, or if it's even a relationships. I turned my head to my side as I saw him sleeping on the left side of the bed. I stared as his breathing was slow, and soft.

"Haven't you heard that staring is rude, sweetheart"he stated as he shot open his eyes and caught me looking at him, how did he know I was staring? He sat up as he sat at the edge of the bed, as I laid down in the same position as I was before.

"Why are you still here?"he asked as he moved his head a little to look back at me.

"I don't know"I said realizing why I didn't leave, I sat up looking at him as he still looked back.

"I just called you a another girl I just slept with, a girl like you I thought you'd be gone, but I guess not"he said as he took another look at me but this time are eyes were meeting again.

"Well, did you mean it?"I asked finally asking if he meant it, it took him a minute to answer.

"No"he finally stated as his eyes were on mine, I knew he never did.

"Okay, then I'm not leaving"I said to him as I got up and went to the kitchen to get some water.

I walked to the kitchen as I grabbed a glass from the cabinet, and turned on the faucet. I could hear Mitch get up and following me to the kitchen. To be honest I didn't really want to talk about anything, there's to much was on my mind that it felt that my head was going to explode. I turned on the cold water and put some in the clear glass as I took a sip. I felt something wrap around my waist, as it was Mitch. His arms wrapped around my waist as he sticked his head into my neck as I turned around and put the glass of water on the table across from me and looked at him.

"you know that your not just another girl I slept with, your different"he told me looking at me with those somehow innocent eyes.

"I know"I told him wrapping my arms around his neck, in a soft voice.

Mitch Rapp POV:

She was different, this little one was definitely different. She made me feel alive again, and I really think I love this girl and I haven't felt that In a while. Her smile was the brightest smile in the world, her laugh was like angels singing. Her body it was perfect and I don't believe in that stuff but to me she was perfectly un perfect. Never get me started on how Stubborn she is though, she was a pain in my ass and I haven't even known her for long but it's what made me love her. She was always truthful for how long I knew her, she always spoke her mind even to me. I knew she was nervous about me, I knew what she thought when I met her, but I could tell she knew what she was getting herself into. I can't let her go now, not now not ever it was my job to protect her from anything and anyone that would do harm. She was to to sensitive and fragile to be broken, she was never that girl to pick fights, she was such a delicate softie.

Lydia's POV

His arms were wrapped around my waist as he looked at me, I had a soft shy smile on my face as I wondered what was next. I felt his soft lips hit mine as if we didn't have much time left, his hands roamed up and down my body as my hands reach the side of his face. His hands went down lower as I jumped up onto his waist, he sat me down on the kitchen island, as he did he left soft lazy kisses on my neck. His hands lifted up my shirt as he took it off, he put his arms around my upper waist as he messed with my bra strap as he unhooked my bra. I helped him take off his shirt as my hands roamed his messy shaggy dark brown hair. His tongue slipped past my bottom lip into my mouth, as we savored every moment that was happening right now. I moved my hands to the side of his face again as he picked me up and placed me on the couch. He placed his body on top of me as I struggled to unbuckle his belt as his hands went to mine as he helped as he did are lips were still attached moving in sync. I unbuttoned my red shorts, as I lifted up my body to take them off. We unhooked are lips as he looked into my eyes as if he wasn't sure what to do next.

"You okay?"I asked as my breathing slowed down, he was thinking of something. He nodded his head as he put his finger onto my bottom lip and came close to my face as his breathing got heavier.

"I love you"he stated as he met my eyes once again, I was scared what to say. What was I going to say? I do love him, but do I truly love him? And as I no know it I said it back, maybe I do or maybe I just got to scared and just said it. He was something, something special I can't put my finger but he was something. Magnetic, charismatic, and you know the rest. I know I did love him I just don't know yet, love is really fucking stupid. It can make you do crazy things, it can make you do something that you don't want to do but you do it anyways for the person you love. I haven't done that so I guess I don't love him and now guilt filled my tears as I laid there under his body realizing that it was just in my head that said I love you, and in reality I said nothing but I had to say something, anything.

"I love you too"I lied as I looked at his eyes as I felt guilt and I felt hurt as I did. I didn't mean to but I had to say something. As now we ended the night as lies and pleasure all at the same time.

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