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"Hey guys, sorry to bug ya but Alex, over here lost his card" Jimmy approached the two girls with a wicked grin. He was followed by a man who wore a sheepish grin, seemingly embarrassed.

"That's what we're here for" Sara grinned, looking over to Ivy who was looking at Alex intently, at a loss for words. He had the eyes you could get lost in; hair that you just wanted to tangle your fingers in; a smile that melted your heart. He wasn't someone who looked familiar to her, but she figured on the ice is when she would recognize who he was.

"Again, sorry to bug you" Jimmy apologized, and Sara waved him off, as she was getting the new card ready for him.

"It's really no problem" Sara confirmed, looking to Ivy who just remained silent. It was then when it hit her who he was; Alex Wennberg. Eyeing Sara, she knew she had obviously remembered; how could she forget? Seeing him play in the game had been amazing; she remembered it so clearly.

The perks of volunteering was being able to catch some games during the tournament. not everyone had this luxury, however. They had watched a game earlier in the day; and that's where she remembered him from; team Sweden. They had one the game, she remembered that much. It was the first time she was able to see the players from the NHL play, and the experience was incredible.

Though it was obviously disappointing for those who either had a team not make the playoffs, or a team get knocked out quicker than they had hoped, they got to represent their country; allowing Ivy to take in the incredible skill before her.

Alex stood in front of them, seemingly lost in thought. He was staring at the beautiful girl in front of him, feeling at a loss for words. If he was being honest, he hasn't lost his card; he just knew where he'd have to go to get a new one, and who he'd have to see.

He noticed her in the crowd, during the warmup. It was the beginning of the tournament, so the warmup crowd wasn't overly huge. He had been warming up, looking around when he took note of her. She was standing near the glass, taking a picture with whom he presumed was one of her friends. He immediately was drawn to her smile, and found himself unable to look away.

Shaking himself from his memory, he smiled at one of the girls, taking his new card. He cleared his throat, unable to find his voice for some unknown reason.

"Thanks" he mumbled, smiling; he felt his cheeks heat up, and he hoped they weren't as red as they felt.

"No problem" Sara seemed to be the only one able to find her voice. "Hey, good game earlier- we watched" she gestured to herself and Ivy, who nodded beside her.

"Thanks" Alex replied again. "It's great to represent your country" he wanted to continue the conversation, as long as he could.

"It's great being able to be here. Definitely a great experience volunteering" Sara elbowed Ivy, trying to snap her out of her trance.

"You're welcome for that" Ivy finally spoke up, eyeing Sara with a grateful smile.

"Yeah, I'm glad you convinced me. Long days, but it's been an amazing experience so far- so thanks" Sara grinned happily. Sara looked from Alex to Ivy, and noticed they both seemed to be in their own worlds; she smirked, knowing that the feelings Ivy had felt watching Alex play, Alex reciprocated.

"I'm definitely glad you decided to" Alex blurted out, before he was unable to stop himself. Ivy blushed a million different shades of red, Alex shifting awkwardly before Jimmy cleared his throat, trying to gain Alex's attention once more.

"We've got to get back, thanks again, girls" Jimmy waved, motioning for Alex to follow him. Alex was about to walk away, before he looked right at Ivy.

"Before I go, can I ask you something?" Alex was unable to help himself.

"Sure" Ivy replied, both confused and intrigued. She felt her heart beat a million miles an hour. He smiled at her, causing butterflies to erupt in her stomach.

"Alex!" Jimmy called, and he turned, motioning for him to give him a second, looking annoyed.

"One second" he mumbled softly, facing Ivy once more.

"We're going to be late!" Jimmy called, very annoyed with Alex.

"Just make sure you come to my next game, yeah?" Alex asked, a nervous smile playing on his lips.

"Uh- yeah... of course" Ivy replied with a confused smile. Alex smiled back, before turning on his heels and heading after Jimmy, who was looking very annoyed with Alex, who didn't care. He knew he had to get to know Ivy better, and was determined to do whatever it took to do it.

"Finally" Jimmy grumbled. "Next time, I'm making you do this yourself" he muttered, as the pair made their way back down the hallway.

"Fine by me" Alex whispered to himself, smiling. He thought of her once more; about her smile, about how happy she seemed, taking in the game of hockey; taking in his passion.

He knew he only had a limited opportunity to get to know her, so knowing that, he immediately began to plot how he was going to get her attention before, during or after their next game.

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