Chapter Two

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"Reporting for duty" Sara greeted, only to be dismissed. "Wow, that was rude" she muttered, turning around to face Ivy. "What do you think were supposed to do?" She asked, and only received a shrug as a response.

"Your guess is as good as mine" Ivy answered, looking around at all the different people, players and members of the media alike. She wasn't looking for very long when she spotted who she recognized as William Nylander, who came up to the pair of them, shocking them both.

"You guys volunteering here?" He asked, and Ivy nodded, shell shocked. William Nylander was talking to her and Sara? It seemed surreal. "Cool, nice to meet you. I'm William" he made niceties introducing himself, knowing the pair both probably knew who he was.

"Oh we know" Sara blurted out, and Ivy jabbed her in the side, laughing. "Sorry," she apologized, giving Ivy a bit of a death stare. "Great game, by the way" she added, her heart calming down a little bit.

"Thanks" William replied, eyeing Ivy closely. "So, I have a question for you" he stated, and Ivy arched an eyebrow.

"Don't you usually get asked the questions, and you answer them?" Ivy asked, and William tossed his head back in laughter, leaning his chin on his stick.

"You're right, that's fair. Always wanted it to be the other way around though" William shrugged, smiling brightly. Ivy was about to speak up once more when a figure appeared from behind William.

"Nylander, they're looking for you"

"Huh? Oh, thanks. Oh hey, Alex- have you met my two new friends here?" He asked, before he was being ushered away by another member of team Sweden.

"Sorry about him, he's a little weird sometimes" Alex trailed off, biting his lip. Ivy swooned, unable to keep her eyes off of him. Was this all really happening?

"Hey, no worries at all. Great game, by the way" Ivy complimented him, surprising both her and Sara by finding her voice. Alex smiled gratefully, himself feeling more nervous than he did during the game. What was he going to say?

"Thanks" was all Alex could think to say. He wanted to mentally slap himself.

"So. You asked Ivy to make sure she was at the game today. Why?" Sara asked Alex bluntly, and Ivy was certain she was going to melt into a puddle right then and there. She gently nudged Sara, who looked at Ivy out of the corner of her eye, and shrugged, with a smirk.

"Well, I uh..." Alex stumbled over his words. He tried regain his composure. Sara looked from Ivy to Alex, a knowing look in her eyes. She could see what was going on here; but neither of them were able to do much about it. "Was wondering, if, you know, after you're finished your volunteering, maybe you'd like to do something?"

"You mean, like hang out?" Ivy asked, and Alex nodded.

"Yeah. I mean, if you want to" Alex affirmed, and Ivy smiled, though on the inside she was doing all kinds of celebrating.

"I'd love to" she smiled. "If you want, I could show you around the city?" Ivy offered, and Alex's face lit up.

"That would be great" Alex nodded with enthusiasm.

"Sure" Ivy smiled again. "Tomorrow? Afternoon perhaps? I volunteer in the morning, and I know your game is morning too" she blushed when she spoke.

"That'd be great" Alex nodded, smiling softly. "I'll meet you here? After my game?"

"I'll be here" Ivy grinned. Before anyone had the chance to speak again, Alex was being called by William.

"Dude! Get your ass in gear" William yelled, gesturing over to Alex.

"See you tomorrow" Alex waved, before disappearing into the crowd of people.

"See you tomorrow...." Ivy trailed off, turning to Sara with a look of pure surprise. "Okay, What just happened?"

"Ivy..." Sara began, biting her lip.

"Pinch me, I just be dreaming" Ivy mused, before she shook her head. "No, wait. Don't pinch me- I never want to wake up. This is the best dream ever" Ivy squealed.

"Girl, you're not dreaming- Alex Wennberg just asked you out!!" Sara cheered, as the pair made their way back towards the arena. Though they had been asked to help in the media area, it seemed nobody knew they were coming, or needed their help. Did Alex arrange this some how?

"What am I going to show him? What are we going to do? What do I wear? What do-"

"Slow down, girl" Sara laughed, trying to calm her best friend down. "You got this! Just be yourself, you know?"

"That's the most typical advice ever given" Ivy couldn't help but snort.

"What? But it's true" Sara shrugged. "It is" she added pointedly.

"Yeah, Yeah" Ivy mumbled softly. "It's just, I'm nervous, you know?"

"I know" Sara frowned. "But if it makes you feel any better at all, I know he's more nervous than you are for this"

"How do you know?" Ivy asked, confused.

"I had to drag it out of him" she chuckled. "Trust me in in this one"

"Alright" Ivy finally agreed, smiling. "We'll see how it goes, I guess"


"Nice job man, so you asked her out?" William asked, and Alex nodded timidly. "Atta boy" he smacked him on the back, and Alex simply shrugged it off. "You're welcome,  by the way" he grinned with a wink.

"You're welcome for what?" Alex asked, wrinkling his nose, confused.

"If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have a date" William stated matter of factly.

"I don't know what you mean..." Alex trailed off, turning a million shades of red. "Okay, fine. Thanks" he mumbled his Thanks, and William let out a chuckle, followed by a wide grin.

"You're welcome, man. So, where are you taking her?"

"I'm not taking her anywhere" Alex shrugged, and he looked at Alex, confused.

"Then what are you....?"

"She's taking me on a tour of the city" Alex stated nonchalantly.

"What? Dude, that's sick" William grinned, sticking out his tongue.

"I know" Alex mumbled, nervous.

"There's no need to be nervous, though" william stated, as if reading his mind. "You'll be fine- just be yourself" Alex snorted once William had finished speaking.

"Worst, advice, ever" Alex rolled his eyes.

"Hey, it's just the truth" William shrugged.

"She's just special, you know? I don't want to mess this up"

"You'll be fine" William simply nodded, disappearing into the showers, leaving Alex alone with his thoughts. He was certain everything would be fine, but he needed this t go smoothly. Based off their minimal conversations, he knew she was someone he wanted to get to know.

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