Chapter Six

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"Well, well, well..." he trailed off with a grin. "Funny seeing you pretty ladies here again" William ended with a wink and a smirk.

"It's funny how we always end up here" Sara smirked back, starting to understand what was going on. She wasn't sure how much pull William had at the tournament, but there had to be a reason why they always ended up down with the media, after every Sweden game.

"I see what you're doing here..." Ivy laughed, not complaining about William's persistence.

"I'm not doing anything" William shrugged, biting his lip seductively. "But a few of the guys and myself are going to check out this restaurant later tonight- you girls free?" Of course they both knew which guys he was referring to; Elias and Alex.

"I guess that depends" Sara began, and Ivy nearly slapped her.

"Doesn't depend, sounds like fun" Ivy interrupted immediately with a grin, and William laughed.

"Great, put your number in my phone and I'll shoot you a text later tonight" he took it out from underneath his hockey gear and handing it to Sara.

"Well, this is sweaty" Sara snorted, entering her phone number as well as Ivy's, before handing it back to him.

"I was just playing a pretty hard game" he grinned, having a lot of confidence in his game. After a rough season, and a rough post season exit, having a good tournament was just what the doctor ordered. Though he wasn't the one pursuing either Sara or Ivy, he was determined to be a wingman for the both of them.

He had heard about how much fun they had on their separate encounters with Ivy and Sara, and though they were all from and lived in different cities, he knew there was a connection between Alex and Ivy, and Sara and Elias that couldn't be ignored.

"You did play pretty good, you're having a good tournament" Sara winked, giggling.

"Playing like a shark out there" Ivy commented with a side eyed look to Sara, whose eyes went wide.

"Baby shark?" William spoke softly.

"Do, do do do do do" Ivy continued.

"Baby shark" William sang once more.

"Do, do do do do do" Ivy sang with a smile.

"Okay, both of you I swear to god" Sara threatened and both Will and Ivy laughed.

"You know that?" Ivy asked, and William nodded, still laughing.

"Gards' kid, Henry loves that song. Jake loves to sing it in the dressing room" he rolled his eyes. "If you cant beat em, join em" he added with a shrug.

"You both suck" Sara grumbled softly.

"I gotta get going- But I'll see you two beautiful ladies tonight?" William asked, and they both nodded, trying not to come off too excited. It didn't matter though, William could tell by their expressions that they were just as excited as Elias and Alex.

They both didn't shut up about their nights; he thought back to the conversation he had with Alex, especially.


"So. How was your date?" William asked, grinning.

"It wasn't a date"  Alex scoffed, though he had wished it was.

"Oh yeah, I'm so sure" William rolled his eyes.

"I wish it was though" he whispered, not thinking William could hear him.

"Knew it" William snacked on a bag of chips, Alex sat blushing in his seat. "I did pretty good being a wingman, yeah?"

"What do you mean?" Alex asked, genuinely confused.

"Oh come on" William couldn't help but roll his eyes. "You really didn't see it?" He snorted. He still got no response, so he continued. "I left you guys alone on purpose... just like we let Elias and Sara wander off...?" He paused, getting a soft 'oh' from Alex.

"Jeez... how did I not see it?" Alex almost slapped his forehead.

"I can do it again you know" William pointed out, taking a seat on the couch next to Alex, who shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

"What do you mean?" Alex asked calmly.

"I can see how much you like her, even though you just met" William pointed out.

"I know it's crazy, but there's just something about her, you know? Something special- something different; in the best way" the smile never left Alex's face as he spoke.

"There's nothing crazy about it, man" William shrugged. "Sometimes you just know"

"But what happens when the season comes? What happens when we both have to go back to our normal lives?" He questioned hurriedly. He had thought a lot about this; maybe too much.

"Woah, slow down kid" William laughed, and Alex chuckled.

"The irony of you calling me a kid" he interjected, but William simply ignores him.

"Why not just concentrate and enjoy the now? Why do you have to think so far ahead? Not saying it's a bad thing" he asked Alex curiously.

"Well, I just don't want to get too attached. But maybe it's too late for that" he frowned, knowing he was already hooked. Knowing he was hooked from the moment he saw her. There wasn't a minute that went by that he wasn't thinking of her, at least in some fashion.

"Seems too late for that" William told him, and he sighed, hoping it wasn't too obvious.

"That's exactly why I keep thinking of the future, dude" he threw his hands up in the air. "Help me out here, what do I do?"

"Again, what's wrong with enjoying the here and now?" William asked, and when Alex still remained silent, he continued. "Continue to see her, as long as were here, and make a decision on what to do next or where to go from there, when it happens" he suggested, and Alex just sat there, absorbing everything William had just said. Was it smart to do this? Was it smart to start something, not knowing how it could end?

He sighed, knowing one thing was for sure. He wouldn't be able to stay away from this girl; he was already in too deep.

"Alright, so what are you suggesting?" Alex asked William, who smiled mischievously.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the next step. Your wing man to the rescue"

"Normally I'd be afraid, but you've come through so far..." Alex trailed off, and William grinned wildly.

"I'm great, I know"


"You will see us tonight" Sara agreed. William smiled, waving goodbye before vanishing towards the dressing room. He was only gone for a little bit before Sara turned to Ivy with a wide smile.

"We have a date tonight..." ivy trailed off slowly.

"A dinner date..." Sara continued, suddenly feeling extremely nervous. "Holy crap. Holy crap. Holy crap" she rambled off.

"Calm down. You're going to make me freak out" Ivy laughed, as they made their way out of the arena.

"How can I be calm?!" Sara almost shouted, stopping herself in her tracks. "What do I wear? She asked Ivy, who began to wonder what she should wear as well.

"Ok, thanks now I'm nervous" Ivy scolded, her heart beat beginning to intensify.

"For good reason!!" Sara exploded, eyes wide. "Let's go, we have to get ready" She all but dragged Ivy to the nearest store. "I need a new outfit"

"Why do you need a new outfit" Ivy laughed, and Sara turned to her, the most serious expression on her face.

"I can't believe you'd ask that" she stated in mock offence. "Come on. You're getting one too" she told her, and Ivy sighed, agreeing.

"Do your worst" she chuckled, looking forward to what the dinner date would have in store.

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