Chapter One

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"Promise me to stay
Saw you first
Tell me it's fine
I'm not that simple
Better catch me"

"So, why do you think he was so intent on you coming to the game?" Sara asked her friend, Ivy, who sat anxiously in her seat.

"I have no idea" Ivy shrugged, trying to play it off cool. They sat in their seats, awaiting the warmups to begin.

"I can see you're trying to play it cool, but you're not fooling me" Sara decided, tapping her finger on her chin. Ivy averted her gaze for as long as she could, before she couldn't do it any longer.

"Okay, fine; I'm trying not to freak out here" Ivy admitted quietly. "I mean- why would he ask me to make sure I was here?" She wondered aloud, trying to rack her brain.

"It's obvious, isn't it?" Sara asked, and Ivy simply gave her a confused expression.

"Not to me, it's not" Ivy informed her. "What?" She asked, when Sara shook her head in defeat.

"He's got a crush on you" she stated, matter of factly. Ivy arched an eyebrow, unable to help the laugh that escaped her lips. When Sara didn't even so much as flinch, she shook her head.

"Oh come on! You can't be serious" she scoffed, though deep down she was hoping Sara was right.

"I'm one hundred percent serious, Ivy" Sara smirked. "He couldn't tear his eyes off of you the whole time he was waiting for his card. He looked almost nervous, asking you to be here for the game" she informed her, looking to her friend with sympathy.

"That seems... ridiculous..." she trailed off, but how ridiculous was it truly? Sara was right; Alex seemed to be genuine in wanting to make sure she was at the game, what other reason could there be?

"Oh come on, Ivy. You can't deny this forever" Sara finally rolled her eyes.

"Okay, fine. Suppose you actually are right" Ivy decided to play into her game, if only for awhile. "What does that mean for me? What do I do?"

"If he really wanted you here, honestly I'm not convinced you have to do anything" Sara said after a moment of silence. "I think you did exactly what he wanted you to do; the rest is up to him" she shrugged. "Ou look! Here they come" she shrieked in excitement.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who has eyes for a handsome Swede" Ivy smirked, looking at Sara, and to where her gaze was going. She looked toward where she was looking, and noticed Sara was eyeing none other than Elias Lindholm, one of the players she recognized from the NHL. He played for the Flames, but after their unfortunate first round exit, found himself playing for his country.

"Hush" Sara's cheeks began to turn a shade of pink that was not due to the cold.

"Lindholm, huh?" Ivy asked with a wicked grin.

"Just look at him" she whispered, and Ivy couldn't help but laugh. "What?" She asked innocently.

"You're just funny" Ivy snorted, clapping a hand to her mouth. "There he is!" She wasn't able to help but notice a certain Alex Wennberg on the ice. She eyed him with desire, wondering if he had anything planned. Would he try to get her attention?

"Wonder what's going through his mind?" Sara wondered, and Ivy couldn't help but wonder the same thing.


On the ice, Alex began his warmup. He tried to stay focused on warming up, but he couldn't help but let his mind wander to the girl he hoped to see in the stands. How was he going to even gain her attention? Was she even watching the game? As if on cue, he took note of her sitting next to the same friend as before.

"Shit" he muttered, running into the back of his teammate, William Nylander.

"Uh, can I help you?" Nylander asked with a laugh, handling the puck with such ease it was unreal to watch.

"Sorry" he muttered, trying to be as subtle as possible.

"Somethings up" Nylander pointed out, and Alex shrugged.

"No idea what you're talking about" he tried to play it cool, but evidently was unsuccessful.

"Who's the girl?" William asked with a wicked grin. Alex looked at William with surprise, opening and closing his mouth, unable to come up with something, so he sighed in defeat.

"She's sitting up there" he tried to point without giving himself away.

"You know I don't know which girl you're talking about specifically, yeah?" William asked, laughing as Alex rolled his eyes.

"I don't want her to see me point right at her" Alex hissed, and now it was Williams turn to roll his eyes.

"How else are you going to get her attention then?" He asked, shooting a few pucks at the net. They both skated around a little, before coming back to the same spot.

"I haven't thought about that yet" he mumbled, embarrassed he wasn't able to think up something. "There" he looked up; she was standing right in his line of sight.

"Not bad" William chuckled. "But I might have a solution to your problem"

"What? How?" He asked, genuinely shocked and curious.

"She looks familiar.. I think she's volunteering here, yeah?" William asked, and Alex nodded, confirming this as the truth. "Then I have just the solution for you" he grinned, and Alex simply looked at him, confusion written all over his face. "Trust me" William finally said, skating away to finish the rest of his warmup. Alex sighed, wondering what the hell he was getting himself into. But he knew he would do whatever it took to find out more about her.


"This game has been incredible!" Sara yelled along with the cheering crowd. For just a preliminary game, the crowd that was drawn in was of decent size.

"I know! And I think I know who you're referring to" She elbowed Sara, who rolled her eyes before elbowing her right back.

"And I think I know who you've been watching" she shot back. The game had come and gone, but Alex had done nothing to gain the attention of Ivy.

"For no reason, apparently" Ivy sighed, as they made their way out of their seats. "Guess this means you were wrong"

"I wouldn't give up hope just yet" Sara tried to assure her, but she began to second guess herself.

"Why shouldn't I? I mean, it was wishful thinking that-"

"There you guys are, you busy?" They were approached by Michaela, who often gave them different tasks to do.

"Uh no" Sara shrugged.

"Good. Head down to the media area, they can use your help" she nodded towards them, before she trailed off, picking up her phone.

"Adventure tiiiiimmmmeee!!" Sara yelled, as they both skipped to the media zone.

"Wonder what they have us doing there?" Ivy wondered, and Sara shrugged.

"Does it matter? Could be the chance you need to meet a certain someone" She wriggled her eyebrows up and down, causing Ivy to shove her ever so lightly.

"Yeah, maybe" Ivy muttered, though she was not hopeful.

"Oh come on, smile!" Sara cheered, and Ivy then couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, but only because you asked" Ivy teased, the two girls happily making their way down to the media zone, having no idea what was in store for them.

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